How to perform operations on an instance

This topic shows how to invoke an instance method using CDXML.

The object being used is the example Win32_Process object defined in the CIM Class Overview topic.


The following shows the syntax for various Win32 process cmdlets.

Get-Win32Process [[-Name] <string[]>] 

Get-Win32Process -ProcessId <UInt32[]> 

Stop-Win32Process [-Name] <string[]> [[-Reason] <UInt32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

Stop-Win32Process -ProcessId <UInt32[]> [[-Reason] <UInt32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

Stop-Win32Process -InputObject <CimInstance#Win32_Process[]>[[-Reason] <UInt32>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] 

Debug-Win32Process [-Name] <string[]>

Debug-Win32Process -ProcessId <UInt32[]> 

Debug-Win32Process -InputObject 

The key points to mention when looking at the above syntax are the following.

  • The Name and ProcessId parameters are used for filtering the instances of Win32_Process objects.
  • There is a slight difference in the usage of the Name parameter. It is optional in the Get-Win32Process cmdlet, but mandatory in the Stop-Win32Process and Debug-Win32Process cmdlets.
  • The Stop-Win32Process cmdlet supports both the WhatIf and Confirm since, per Windows PowerShell guidelines, any cmdlet that changes the state of the system should support these semantics. Because the Win32_Process WMI class does not natively support ShouldProcess, WhatIf and Confirm must be handled on the client.

As a general Windows PowerShell convention, there should not be any mandatory parameters in the default parameter set for a Get cmdlet. However, we want to make it mandatory in other cmdlets . It's common to have a set of cmdlets follow a similar pattern for query parameters. For example, the Windows PowerShell Get-Service , Set-Service, Start-Service, and Stop-Service cmdlets all have the same parameters. To minimize duplication of common parameters, CDXML allows you to define a global set of Query Parameters that is shared by all instance cmdlets. Individual cmdlets can define their own query parameters that override the global definition. It is very likely that a Get cmdlet would have slightly different parameter attributes because its default parameter set may not have any required parameters.

The following sample CDXML shows how to define the cmdlets.

<PowerShellMetadata xmlns="">
  <Class ClassName="root\cimv2\Win32_Process">
Global definition for query parameters used by Stop-win32Process and Get-Win32ProcessOwner cmdlets
      <GetCmdletParameters DefaultCmdletParameterSet="ByName">
          <Property PropertyName="Name">
            <Type PSType="string"/>
            <RegularQuery AllowGlobbing="true">
              <CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="true" Position="0" ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true" CmdletParameterSets="ByName"/>
          <Property PropertyName="ProcessId">
            <Type PSType="uint32"/>
              <CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="true" Aliases="ID PID"

        <CmdletMetadata Verb="Get"/>
        Definition of query parameters used by Get-win32Process 
        It does not use the global definition because the Get cmdlet should not have mandatory parameters in the default parameter set
        <GetCmdletParameters DefaultCmdletParameterSet="ByName">
            <Property PropertyName="Name">
              <Type PSType="string"/>
              <RegularQuery AllowGlobbing="true">
                <CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="false" Position="0" ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName="true" CmdletParameterSets="ByName"/>
            <Property PropertyName="ProcessId">
              <Type PSType="uint32"/>
                <CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="true" Aliases="ID PID"
        <CmdletMetadata Verb="Stop" ConfirmImpact="Medium"/>
        <Method MethodName="Terminate">
            <Parameter ParameterName="Reason">
              <Type PSType="Uint32"/>
              <CmdletParameterMetadata IsMandatory="false" Position="1"/>
        <CmdletMetadata Verb="Debug"/>
        <Method MethodName="AttachDebugger">
            <Type PSType="int"/>

      <Data Name="ClientSideShouldProcess"/>
