Stream Buffer Sink Filter

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

This topic applies only to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The Stream Buffer Sink filter is the sink filter for the Stream Buffer Engine. It stores streamed content for the Stream Buffer Source filter to read.

Filter Interfaces [IBaseFilter](/windows/win32/api/strmif/nn-strmif-ibasefilter), ISpecifyPropertyPages, [IStreamBufferInitialize](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/Sbe/nn-sbe-istreambufferinitialize), [IStreamBufferSink](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/Sbe/nn-sbe-istreambuffersink), [IStreamBufferSink2](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/Sbe/nn-sbe-istreambuffersink2), [IStreamBufferSink3](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/Sbe/nn-sbe-istreambuffersink3)
Input Pin Media Types Video:
Audio and Data: All types accepted.
Input Pin Interfaces [IMemInputPin](/windows/win32/api/strmif/nn-strmif-imeminputpin), [IPin](/windows/win32/api/strmif/nn-strmif-ipin), [IQualityControl](/windows/win32/api/strmif/nn-strmif-iqualitycontrol), [IStreamBufferDataCounters](/previous-versions/windows/desktop/api/Sbe/nn-sbe-istreambufferdatacounters)
Output Pin Media Types Not applicable
Output Pin Interfaces Not applicable
Filter CLSID CLSID_StreamBufferSink
Property Page CLSID Not applicable
Executable Sbeio.dll
Category CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory


The Stream Buffer Sink can receive data only at 1x speed. If the source is a file, the playback speed must be restricted to 1x.

If the Stream Buffer Sink is stopped and restarted, the render graph will lose context and be unable to access the capture graph. However, the tuner can change channels while the graph is running without problems.

Stream Buffer Engine Filters

Using the Stream Buffer Engine