Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS is used to report static information about the recognizer, such as supported languages, and dynamic information about the position in the stream to which the recognizer has recognized.

    typedef struct SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS
    ULONGLONG       ullRecognitionStreamPos;
    ULONG           ulStreamNumber;
    ULONG           ulNumActive;
    CLSID           clsidEngine;
    ULONG           cLangIDs;
    LANGID          aLangID[SP_MAX_LANGIDS];
    ULONGLONG       ullRecognitionStreamTime;


  • AudioStatus
    The SPAUDIOSTATUS structure containing the current audio device information.
  • ullRecognitionStreamPos
    The current stream position the engine has recognized to. Stream positions are measured in bytes. This value can be used to check the engine's progress using the audio data.
  • ulStreamNumber
    This value is incremented every time SAPI starts or stops recognition on an engine (see SPEI_START_SR_STREAM and SPEI_END_SR_STREAM). Each time this happens the ullRecognitionStreamPos gets reset to zero. Events fired from the engine have equivalent stream number and position information also.
  • ulNumActive
    The current engine's number of active rules.
  • clsidEngine
    The unique identifier associated with the current engine.
  • cLangIDs
    The number of languages that the current engine supports.
  • aLangID
    Array containing the languages that the current engine supports.
  • ullRecognitionStreamTime
    Returns the current position of the recognizer in the stream in 100 nanosecond units.