GetServerEventDetail method of the MSFT_ServerManagerTasks class

Retrieves the details of events generated in an event log by a particular source.


uint32 GetServerEventDetail(
  [in]  string                 Logs[],
  [in]  uint8                  Levels[],
  [in]  uint64                 StartTimes[],
  [in]  uint64                 EndTimes[],
  [in]  uint32                 BatchSize,
  [in]  string                 QueryFiles[],
  [in]  sint32                 QueryFileIds[],
  [out] uint64                 LatestEventTimestamp,
  [out] MSFT_ServerEventDetail cmdletOutput[]


Logs [in]

The list of logs to query when collecting events.

Levels [in]

An array of bitmasks that specify the level of events to query. Valid values are 0 through 4.

StartTimes [in]

The list of start times used to filter the events based on the log time.

EndTimes [in]

The list of end times used to filter the events based on the logged time.

BatchSize [in]

The batch size to use for streaming data back to the client.

QueryFiles [in]

The list of query files to use when for collecting feature events.

QueryFileIds [in]

The list of query file ids to return as the query file identifier in the event details object. If this is null or empty, the index of the file in the QueryFiles paramerter is returned. If present the number of elements should exactly match the number of elements in the QueryFiles parameter.

LatestEventTimestamp [out]

The log time of the latest event returned by the function.

cmdletOutput [out]

An array of embedded instances of the MSFT_ServerEventDetail class that represent the list of selected events that match the specified criteria.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also

