The Accessibility Word List
Words in this list either describe physical disabilities or describe features in software programs that provide access to users with disabilities.
- accelerator keys
- access keys
- accessibility concerns
- accessibility features
- accessible
- accessing with keyboard
- adjusting for improved visibility
- adjustments for impaired motion or vision
- ALT text
- alternative input devices
- appearance
- Application key
- assigning
- assistive technology
- AutoComplete
- AutoCorrect
- AutoFill
- AutoText
- beeps
- difficulty hearing
- turning off
- turning on
- blind
- blindness or low vision
- changing size
- click with the keyboard
- cognitive impairments
- color blind
- color palette
- colors
- adjusting for improved visibility
- used as visual cues, alternatives to
- Control Panel
- adjustments for impaired motion or vision
- cursor, adjusting for improved visibility
- custom
- custom shortcut keys
- customize
- customizing
- deaf
- deaf or hard-of-hearing
- deafness
- default buttons
- dialog boxes
- default buttons
- default values
- navigating with TAB key
- navigating with SHIFT+TAB key
- ENTER key
- difficulty hearing
- disabilities
- disability concerns
- disabled
- documentation
- in alternative formats
- online
- dyslexia
- enlarge
- ENTER key
- focus
- fonts
- adjusting for improved visibility
- changing size
- colors
- for menus
- for toolbars
- frequently-used text
- handicapped
- handicaps
- hard-of-hearing
- hearing impairments
- high-contrast
- hotkeys
- image descriptions
- impaired hearing, motion, sight, or vision
- insertion point
- adjusting for improved visibility
- key combinations
- keyboard
- adjustments for impaired motion
- layouts for individuals with impaired motion
- shortcuts
- keyboard combinations
- keyboard navigation
- keyboard shortcuts
- keystroke shortcuts
- keystrokes
- large buttons
- large fonts
- large-print documentation
- learning disabilities
- low vision
- magnify
- menus, accessing with keyboard
- mobility impairments
- motion impairments
- motor impairments
- mouse
- adjustments for impaired motion or vision
- navigating
- navigation
- in dialog boxes
- in menus
- in toolbars
- with the keyboard
- with the mouse
- online
- pointer, adjusting for improved visibility
- printing list of
- reduced hearing, motion, or vision
- right-click with the keyboard (SHIFT+F10)
- scale
- screen enlargement
- scroll
- seizure disorders
- selection cursor
- adjusting for improved visibility
- shortcut keys
- assigning
- for menus
- in dialog boxes
- for toolbars
- printing list of
- shortcuts
- sight impairments
- sound
- sounds
- difficulty hearing
- turning off
- turning on
- speech
- speech impairments
- speech-to-text
- text view
- text-to-speech
- toolbars
- accessing with keyboard
- customizing
- vision impairments
- visually impaired
- voice input
- Windows logo key
- with the keyboard
- with the mouse
- word list, accessibility
- word prediction
- zoom
Items from the word list can also be added as table of contents entries or as index keywords. This will enable users with disabilities to easily find the information they need about your software product.
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