DnsServer class

Represents a DNS Server configuration.


The DNS server must be running Windows Server 2008 R2 or above.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all of the inherited properties.


[ClassVersion("1.0.0"), dynamic, provider("DnsServerPSProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class DnsServer
  DnsServerSetting                           ServerSetting;
  DnsServerDsSetting                         ServerDsSetting;
  DnsServerScavenging                        ServerScavenging;
  DnsServerRecursion                         ServerRecursion;
  DnsServerDiagnostics                       ServerDiagnostics;
  DnsServerGlobalNameZone                    ServerGlobalNameZone;
  DnsServerCache                             ServerCache;
  DnsServerGlobalQueryBlockList              ServerGlobalQueryBlockList;
  DnsServerEdns                              ServerEdns;
  DnsServerForwarder                         ServerForwarder;
  DnsServerRootHint                          ServerRootHint[];
  DnsServerZone                              ServerZone[];
  DnsZoneScope                               ServerZoneScope[];
  DnsServerRecursionScope                    ServerRecursionScopes[];
  DnsServerClientSubnet                      ServerClientSubnets[];
  DnsServerZoneAging                         ServerZoneAging[];
  DnsServerPolicy                            ServerPolicies[];
  DnsServerResponseRateLimiting              ServerResponseRateLimiting;
  DnsServerResponseRateLimitingExceptionlist ServerResponseRateLimitingExceptionlists[];
  DnsVirtualizedServer                       VirtualizedServer[];


The DnsServer class has these types of members:


The DnsServer class has these properties.


Data type: DnsServerCache

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerCache")

The DnsServerCache that contains the DNS server cache settings on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerClientSubnet array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerClientSubnet")

An array of DnsServerClientSubnet that contains the server/client subnet settings.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Data type: DnsServerDiagnostics

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerDiagnostics")

A DnsServerDiagnostics that contains the DNS event logging details for the DNS server


Data type: DnsServerDsSetting

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerDsSetting")

A DnsServerDsSetting that contains the DNS server Active Directory settings on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerEdns

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerEDns")

A DnsServerEDns that contains the Extension mechanisms for DNS (EDNS) configuration settings on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerForwarder

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerForwarder")

A DnsServerForwarder that contains the DNS forwarder configuration settings on the DNS server.


Data type: DnsServerGlobalNameZone

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerGlobalNameZone")

A DnsServerGlobalNameZone that contains the DNS server global name zone configuration details on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerGlobalQueryBlockList

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerGlobalQueryBlockList")

A DnsServerGlobalQueryBlockList that contains the global query block list on the DNS server.


Data type: DnsServerPolicy array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerPolicy")

An array of DnsServerPolicy containing the server policy settings.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Data type: DnsServerRecursion

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerRecursion")

A DnsServerRecursion that contains the DNS server recursion settings on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerRecursionScope array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerRecursionScope")

An array of DnsServerRecursionScope that contains the server recursion scope.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Data type: DnsServerResponseRateLimiting

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerResponseRateLimiting")

A DnsServerResponseRateLimiting containing the DNS Server Response Rate Limiting.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Data type: DnsServerResponseRateLimitingExceptionlist array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerResponseRateLimitingExceptionlist")

A DnsServerResponseRateLimitingExceptionlist containing the DNS Server Response Rate Limiting Exception lists.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Data type: DnsServerRootHint array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerRootHint")

An array of DnsServerRootHint that contains the DNS root hints on the DNS server.


Data type: DnsServerScavenging

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerScavenging")

A DnsServerScavenging that contains the DNS aging and scavenging settings on the DNS sever.


Data type: DnsServerSetting

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerSetting")

A DnsServerSetting that contains the DNS server settings.


Data type: DnsServerZone array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerZone")

An array of DnsServerZone that contains the names of the DNS zones of the DNS server.


Data type: DnsServerZoneAging array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsServerZoneAging")

An array of DnsServerZoneAging that contains the aging settings for each DNS zone of the DNS server.


Data type: DnsZoneScope array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsZoneScope")

An array of DnsZoneScope that contains the scope of each DNS zone of the DNS server.

Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2.


Data type: DnsVirtualizedServer array

Access type: Read/write

Qualifiers: EmbeddedInstance ("DnsVirtualizedServer")

Virtualized DNS server configuration object.

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012: This property is not supported before Windows Server 2016.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012

See also

DnsServerPSProvider Provider