ITuner interface (tuner.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

The ITuner interface is implemented on the Microsoft BDA Network Provider filters. It provides methods for passing tune requests down to the hardware device and receiving current tuning settings. Generally, applications should use the derived interface IScanningTuner instead of ITuner.

Note��Only applications that are intended to run on Windows�2000 should use this interface. Starting in Windows�XP, the Video Control handles all tuning interactions with the Network Provider.


The ITuner interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ITuner also has these types of members:


The ITuner interface has these methods.


The EnumTuningSpaces method creates a collection of tuning spaces preferred by this implementation.

The get_PreferredComponentTypes method gets the collection of ComponentType objects used for default component selection.

The get_SignalStrength method retrieves the Network Provider-specific signal strength metric.

The get_TuneRequest method gets the tune request currently in effect for the Network Provider.

The get_TuningSpace method gets the tuning space currently in effect for the Network Provider.

The put_PreferredComponentTypes method sets the collection of ComponentType objects used for default component selection.

The put_TuneRequest method sets the tune request currently in effect for the Network Provider.

The put_TuningSpace method sets the tuning space for the Network Provider.

The TriggerSignalEvents method enables the tuner to raise an event when the status of the signal changes.

The Validate method returns a value indicating that the tune request can be carried out.


To declare the interface identifier (IID) for this interface, use the __uuidof operator: __uuidof(ITuner).


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tuner.h

See also

BDA Interfaces