IDirectMusicSynthSink::GetLatencyClock method (dmusics.h)

The GetLatencyClock method retrieves the latency clock, which measures the progress of the output audio stream.


HRESULT GetLatencyClock(
  IReferenceClock **ppClock



Output pointer for the latency clock. This parameter points to a caller-allocated pointer variable into which the method writes a pointer to the latency-clock object's IReferenceClock interface (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation).

Return value

GetLatencyClock returns S_OK if the call was successful. Otherwise, the method returns an appropriate error code. The following table shows some of the possible return status codes.

Return code Description
Indicates that the method is unable to access latency clock.


The latency IReferenceClock returns the current render time whenever its IReferenceClock::GetTime method is called. This time is always relative to the time established by the master clock, installed in the synth sink by using IDirectMusicSynthSink::SetMasterClock. The latency time is used by the performance layer of DirectMusic to identify the next available time to start playing a note.

The ppClock parameter follows the reference-counting conventions for COM objects.

For more information about latency clocks, see Synthesizer Latency. Also see the descriptions of the IReferenceClock and IDirectMusic interfaces in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dmusics.h (include Dmusics.h)

See also

