S4UClient 成员

Provides methods to create an impersonate-capable WindowsIdentity.

下表列出了 S4UClient 类型公开的成员。

Public 方法

(另请参阅 Protected 方法)

  名称 说明
public methodstatic CertificateLogon Creates an impersonate-capable WindowsIdentity from an X.509 Certificate which maps to a Windows user using the WindowsTokenService.
public method Equals  已重载。 (从 Object 继承)
public method GetHashCode  (从 Object 继承)
public method GetType  (从 Object 继承)
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (从 Object 继承)
public method ToString  (从 Object 继承)
public methodstatic UpnLogon Creates an impersonate-capable WindowsIdentity from a Kerberos unique principal name (UPN) by using the local WindowsTokenService.


Protected 方法

  名称 说明
protected method Finalize  (从 Object 继承)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (从 Object 继承)




S4UClient 类
Microsoft.IdentityModel.WindowsTokenService 命名空间

版权所有 (C) 2008 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。