Declare the Dialog Class

The following procedure shows you how to use WizardBar to declare a class for the dialog box you just created.

Note   The following procedure assumes you have the Pen Widths dialog resource open, and that you have not previously declared a class for it.

To declare the new dialog class

  1. Click the arrow on the action button, located at the right end of WizardBar.

  2. Click New Class.

    The New Class dialog box appears.

    The New Class Dialog Box

  3. Fill in the selection as follows:

    • In the Class type combo box, select MFC.

    • In the Name box, type CPenWidthsDlg.

      In the File name box, the name is assigned for the implementation (.cpp) file based on the characters you type. If you wanted to change the filename, you would click the Change button.

    • In the Base class combo box, click CDialog.

      When you click CDialog, the Dialog ID box is activated with the default IDD_PEN_WIDTHS.

  4. Click OK to create the dialog class.

    This creates the class and closes the New Class dialog box.