COleDocument Class Members
COleDocument | Constructs a COleDocument object. |
HasBlankItems | Checks for blank items in the document. |
EnableCompoundFile | Causes documents to be stored using the OLE Structured Storage file format. |
GetInPlaceActiveItem | Returns the OLE item that is currently in-place active. |
GetStartPosition | Gets the initial position to begin iteration. |
GetNextItem | Gets the next document item for iterating. |
GetNextClientItem | Gets the next client item for iterating. |
GetNextServerItem | Gets the next server item for iterating. |
UpdateModifiedFlag | Marks the document as modified if any of the contained OLE items have been modified. |
ApplyPrintDevice | Sets the print-target device for all client items in the document. |
AddItem | Adds an item to the list of items maintained by the document. |
RemoveItem | Removes an item from the list of items maintained by the document. |
GetPrimarySelectedItem | Returns the primary selected OLE item in the document. |
OnShowViews | Called when the document becomes visible or invisible. |
Mail Functions
OnFileSendMail | Sends a mail message with the document attached. |
Message Handlers
OnEditChangeIcon | Handles events in the Change Icon menu command. |
OnEditConvert | Handles the conversion of an embedded or linked object from one type to another. |
OnEditLinks | Handles events in the Links command on the Edit menu. |
OnUpdateEditChangeIcon | Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/Change Icon menu option. |
OnUpdateEditLinksMenu | Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/Links menu option. |
OnUpdateObjectVerbMenu | Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Edit/ObjectName menu option and the Verb submenu accessed from Edit/ObjectName. |
OnUpdatePasteLinkMenu | Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Paste Special menu option. |
OnUpdatePasteMenu | Called by the framework to update the command UI for the Paste menu option. |
COleDocument Overview | Base Class Members | Hierarchy Chart