Return Value
Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0, and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling GetLastError. The following errors apply to this member function:
WSANOTINITIALISED A successful AfxSocketInit must occur before using this API.
WSAENETDOWN The Windows Sockets implementation detected that the network subsystem failed.
WSAEFAULT The lpSockAddrLen argument is not large enough.
WSAEINPROGRESS A blocking Windows Sockets operation is in progress.
WSAENOTSOCK The descriptor is not a socket.
WSAEINVAL The socket has not been bound to an address with Bind.
Reference to a CString object that receives a dotted number IP address.
Reference to a UINT that stores a port.
A pointer to a SOCKADDR structure that receives the address of the socket.
A pointer to the length of the address in lpSockAddr in bytes.
Call this member function to get the local name for a socket. This call is especially useful when a Connect call has been made without doing a Bind first; this call provides the only means by which you can determine the local association which has been set by the system. For more information, see and in the Win32 SDK documentation.
CAsyncSocket Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CAsyncSocket::Bind, CAsyncSocket::Create, CAsyncSocket::GetPeerName