COleDataObject Class Members
COleDataObject | Constructs a COleDataObject object. |
AttachClipboard | Attaches the data object that is on the Clipboard. |
IsDataAvailable | Checks whether data is available in a specified format. |
GetData | Copies data from the attached OLE data object in a specified format. |
GetFileData | Copies data from the attached OLE data object into a CFile pointer in the specified format. |
GetGlobalData | Copies data from the attached OLE data object into an HGLOBAL in the specified format. |
BeginEnumFormats | Prepares for one or more subsequent GetNextFormat calls. |
GetNextFormat | Returns the next data format available. |
Attach | Attaches the specified OLE data object to the COleDataObject. |
Release | Detaches and releases the associated IDataObject object. |
Detach | Detaches the associated IDataObject object. |