Contains a pointer to a CDaoErrorInfo structure that provides information on the DAO error object that you last retrieved by calling GetErrorInfo. This object contains the following information:
CDaoErrorInfo member | Information | Meaning |
m_lErrorCode | Error Code | The DAO error code |
m_strSource | Source | The name of the object or application that originally generated the error |
m_strDescription | Description | A descriptive string associated with the error |
m_strHelpFile | Help File | A path to a Windows Help file in which the user can get information about the problem |
m_lHelpContext | Help Context | The context ID for a topic in the DAO Help file |
For full details about the information contained in the CDaoErrorInfo object, see the CDaoErrorInfo structure.
CDaoException Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart
See Also CDaoException::m_scode, CDaoException::m_nAfxDaoError