Specifies the cause of the exception. This data member is a public variable of type int. Its values are defined by a CArchiveException enumerated type. The enumerators and their meanings are as follows:
CArchiveException::none No error occurred.
CArchiveException::generic Unspecified error.
CArchiveException::readOnly Tried to write into an archive opened for loading.
CArchiveException::endOfFile Reached end of file while reading an object.
CArchiveException::writeOnly Tried to read from an archive opened for storing.
CArchiveException::badIndex Invalid file format.
CArchiveException::badClass Tried to read an object into an object of the wrong type.
CArchiveException::badSchema Tried to read an object with a different version of the class.
Note These CArchiveException cause enumerators are distinct from the CFileException cause enumerators.
CArchiveException Overview | Class Members | Hierarchy Chart