Enumerate locals

Applies to: yesVisual Studio noVisual Studio for Mac


This article applies to Visual Studio 2017. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here


In Visual Studio 2015, this way of implementing expression evaluators is deprecated. For information about implementing CLR expression evaluators, see CLR expression evaluators and Managed expression evaluator sample.

When Visual Studio is ready to populate the Locals window, it calls EnumChildren on the IDebugProperty2 object returned from GetMethodProperty (see Implementing GetMethodProperty). IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren returns an IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 object.

Implementing IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren performs the following tasks:

  1. Ensures this is representing a method.

  2. Uses the guidFilter argument to determine which method to call on the IDebugMethodField object. If guidFilter equals:

    1. guidFilterLocals, call EnumLocals to obtain an IEnumDebugFields object.

    2. guidFilterArgs, call EnumArguments to obtain an IEnumDebugFields object.

    3. guidFilterLocalsPlusArgs, synthesize an enumeration that combines the results from IDebugMethodField::EnumLocals and IDebugMethodField::EnumArguments. This synthesis is represented by the class CEnumMethodField.

  3. Instantiates a class (called CEnumPropertyInfo in this example) that implements the IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 interface and contains the IEnumDebugFields object.

  4. Returns the IEnumDebugProperty2Info2 interface from the CEnumPropertyInfo object.

Managed code

This example shows an implementation of IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren in managed code.

namespace EEMC
    public class CFieldProperty : IDebugProperty2
        public HRESULT EnumChildren (
                uint                    dwFields,
                uint                    radix,
            ref Guid                    guidFilter,
                ulong                   attribFilter,
                string                  nameFilter,
                uint                    timeout,
            out IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 properties)
            properties = null;
            IEnumDebugFields fields = null;

            // If this field is a method...
            if (0 != ((uint) fieldKind & (uint) FIELD_KIND.FIELD_TYPE_METHOD))
                IDebugMethodField methodField = (IDebugMethodField) field;

                // Enumerate parameters.
                if (guidFilter == FilterGuids.guidFilterArgs)
                    methodField.EnumParameters(out fields);
                // Enumerate local variables.
                else if (guidFilter == FilterGuids.guidFilterLocals)
                    methodField.EnumLocals(address, out fields);
                // Enumerate all local variables, including invisible compiler temps.
                else if (guidFilter == FilterGuids.guidFilterAllLocals)
                    methodField.EnumAllLocals(address, out fields);
                // Enumerate "this", if any, and all parameters and local variables.
                else if (guidFilter == FilterGuids.guidFilterLocalsPlusArgs)
                    IDebugClassField fieldThis  = null;
                    IEnumDebugFields parameters = null;
                    IEnumDebugFields locals     = null;

                    methodField.GetThis(out fieldThis);
                    methodField.EnumParameters(out parameters);
                    methodField.EnumLocals(address, out locals);

                    CEnumMethodField enumMethodField =
                        new CEnumMethodField(fieldThis, parameters, locals);
                    fields = (IEnumDebugFields) enumMethodField;
                // Enumerate only "this".
                else if (guidFilter == FilterGuids.guidFilterThis)
                    IDebugClassField fieldThis = null;
                    methodField.GetThis(out fieldThis);

                    CEnumMethodField enumMethodField =
                        new CEnumMethodField(fieldThis, null, null);
                    fields = (IEnumDebugFields) enumMethodField;
                else throw new COMException();// E_FAIL
            // Wrap a property enumerator around the field enumerator.
            CEnumPropertyInfo propertiesInfo =
                new CEnumPropertyInfo(provider, address, binder, radix, fields,
                (DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS) dwFields);

            properties = (IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2) propertiesInfo;
            return COM.S_OK;

Unmanaged code

This example shows an implementation of IDebugProperty2::EnumChildren in unmanaged code.

STDMETHODIMP CFieldProperty::EnumChildren(
        in DEBUGPROP_INFO_FLAGS        infoFlags,
        in DWORD                       radix,
        in REFGUID                     guidFilter,
        in DBG_ATTRIB_FLAGS            attribFilter,
        in LPCOLESTR                   pszNameFilter,
        in DWORD                       timeout,
        out IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2 ** ppchildren )
    if (ppchildren == NULL)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
        *ppchildren = 0;

    //get enumeration
    HRESULT hr;
    IEnumDebugFields*     pfields    = NULL;

    if (m_fieldKind & FIELD_TYPE_METHOD)
        // A Method

        IDebugMethodField*  pmethod    = NULL;

        //enumerate the requested properties
        hr = m_field->QueryInterface( IID_IDebugMethodField,
            reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pmethod) );
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;

        if (guidFilter == guidFilterArgs)
            hr = pmethod->EnumParameters( &pfields );
        else if (guidFilter == guidFilterLocals)
            hr = pmethod->EnumLocals( m_address, &pfields );
        else if (guidFilter == guidFilterAllLocals)
            hr = pmethod->EnumAllLocals( m_address, &pfields );
        else if (guidFilter == guidFilterLocalsPlusArgs)
            //we create a special enumerator for this
            IDebugClassField* pfieldThis  = NULL;
            IEnumDebugFields* pparameters = NULL;
            IEnumDebugFields* plocals     = NULL;

            pmethod->GetThis( &pfieldThis );
            pmethod->EnumParameters( &pparameters );
            pmethod->EnumLocals( m_address, &plocals );

            CEnumMethodField* penumMethodField =
                new CEnumMethodField( pfieldThis, pparameters, plocals );
            if (pfieldThis != NULL)
            if (pparameters != NULL)
            if (plocals != NULL)
            if (!penumMethodField)
                hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
                hr = penumMethodField->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumDebugFields,
                        reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pfields) );
        else if (guidFilter == guidFilterThis )
            IDebugClassField* pfieldThis = NULL;

            hr = pmethod->GetThis( &pfieldThis );
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                CEnumMethodField* penumMethodField =
                    new CEnumMethodField( pfieldThis, NULL, NULL );
                if (!penumMethodField)
                    hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
                    hr = penumMethodField->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumDebugFields,
                        reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pfields) );
            hr = E_FAIL;

        if (hr != S_OK)
            return hr;

    //create a property info enumeration around the field enumerator
    CEnumPropertyInfo* pproperties =
        new CEnumPropertyInfo( m_provider, m_address, m_binder,
                               radix, pfields, infoFlags );
    if (pfields != NULL)
    if (pproperties == NULL)
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    hr = pproperties->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumDebugPropertyInfo2,
        reinterpret_cast<void**>(ppchildren) );

    return hr;

See also