TeamFoundationVersionControlService.Resolve Method (TeamFoundationRequestContext, String, String, Int32, Resolution, String, Int32, LockLevel, array<String )

Resolve a specific conflict with a specific resolution. This is called for Get, Checkin, and Merge conflicts.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server.dll)


Public Function Resolve ( _
    requestContext As TeamFoundationRequestContext, _
    workspaceName As String, _
    ownerName As String, _
    conflictId As Integer, _
    resolution As Resolution, _
    newPath As String, _
    encoding As Integer, _
    lockLevel As LockLevel, _
    itemAttributeFilters As String() _
) As TeamFoundationDataReader
public TeamFoundationDataReader Resolve(
    TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext,
    string workspaceName,
    string ownerName,
    int conflictId,
    Resolution resolution,
    string newPath,
    int encoding,
    LockLevel lockLevel,
    string[] itemAttributeFilters
TeamFoundationDataReader^ Resolve(
    TeamFoundationRequestContext^ requestContext, 
    String^ workspaceName, 
    String^ ownerName, 
    int conflictId, 
    Resolution resolution, 
    String^ newPath, 
    int encoding, 
    LockLevel lockLevel, 
    array<String^>^ itemAttributeFilters
member Resolve : 
        requestContext:TeamFoundationRequestContext * 
        workspaceName:string * 
        ownerName:string * 
        conflictId:int * 
        resolution:Resolution * 
        newPath:string * 
        encoding:int * 
        lockLevel:LockLevel * 
        itemAttributeFilters:string[] -> TeamFoundationDataReader
public function Resolve(
    requestContext : TeamFoundationRequestContext, 
    workspaceName : String, 
    ownerName : String, 
    conflictId : int, 
    resolution : Resolution, 
    newPath : String, 
    encoding : int, 
    lockLevel : LockLevel, 
    itemAttributeFilters : String[]
) : TeamFoundationDataReader


  • newPath
    Type: System.String

    A new name for the conflicted item.

  • itemAttributeFilters
    Type: array<System.String[]

    List of attributes to return with get operations.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.TeamFoundationDataReader
TeamFoundationDataReader with results in the following order: GetOperation[] - A set of GetOperations that must be processed. GetOperation[] - The set of undo operations that must be executed. Conflict[] - The set of conflictIds besides the one passed in that were resolved.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


TeamFoundationVersionControlService Class

Resolve Overload

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server Namespace