如何:用 Windows 窗体 DataGrid 控件验证输入
DataGridView 控件取代了 DataGrid 控件并添加了功能;但是,可以选择保留 DataGrid 控件以实现向后兼容并供将来使用。 有关更多信息,请参见 Windows 窗体 DataGridView 控件和 DataGrid 控件之间的区别。
Windows 窗体 DataGrid 控件有两种可用的输入验证类型。 如果用户尝试输入一个值,而该值具有单元格不可接受的数据类型(例如,向需要整数的单元格中输入一个字符串),则新的无效值将替换为旧值。 这种输入验证是自动完成的,不能进行自定义。
另一种输入验证类型可用于拒绝任何不可接受的数据。例如,在必须大于或等于 1 的字段中输入 0 就属于不可接受的数据。此外,不合适的字符串也是不可接受的数据。 这是在数据集中通过编写 ColumnChanging 或 RowChanging 事件的事件处理程序来完成的。 下面的示例使用 ColumnChanging 事件,因为“Product”列不接受不允许的值。 可以使用 RowChanging 事件来检查“End Date”列的值是否晚于同一行中“Start Date”列的值。
编写代码以处理相应表的 ColumnChanging 事件。 当检测到不适当的输入时,调用 DataRow 对象的 SetColumnError 方法。
Private Sub Customers_ColumnChanging(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs) ' Only check for errors in the Product column If (e.Column.ColumnName.Equals("Product")) Then ' Do not allow "Automobile" as a product. If CType(e.ProposedValue, String) = "Automobile" Then Dim badValue As Object = e.ProposedValue e.ProposedValue = "Bad Data" e.Row.RowError = "The Product column contians an error" e.Row.SetColumnError(e.Column, "Product cannot be " & _ CType(badValue, String)) End If End If End Sub
//Handle column changing events on the Customers table private void Customers_ColumnChanging(object sender, System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs e) { //Only check for errors in the Product column if (e.Column.ColumnName.Equals("Product")) { //Do not allow "Automobile" as a product if (e.ProposedValue.Equals("Automobile")) { object badValue = e.ProposedValue; e.ProposedValue = "Bad Data"; e.Row.RowError = "The Product column contains an error"; e.Row.SetColumnError(e.Column, "Product cannot be " + badValue); } } }
//Handle column changing events on the Customers table private void Customers_ColumnChanging(System.Object sender, System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs e) { //Only check for errors in the Product column if ( e.get_Column().get_ColumnName().Equals("Product") ) { //Do not allow "Automobile" as a product if ( e.get_ProposedValue().Equals("Automobile") ) { System.Object badValue = e.get_ProposedValue(); e.set_ProposedValue("Bad Data"); e.get_Row().set_RowError("The Product column contains an error"); e.get_Row().SetColumnError(e.get_Column(), "Product cannot be " + badValue); } } }
将下面的代码置于窗体的 Load 事件或其构造函数内。
' Assumes the grid is bound to a dataset called customersDataSet1 ' with a table called Customers. ' Put this code in the form's Load event or its constructor. AddHandler customersDataSet1.Tables("Customers").ColumnChanging, AddressOf Customers_ColumnChanging
// Assumes the grid is bound to a dataset called customersDataSet1 // with a table called Customers. // Put this code in the form's Load event or its constructor. customersDataSet1.Tables["Customers"].ColumnChanging += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(this.Customers_ColumnChanging);
// Assumes the grid is bound to a dataset called customersDataSet1 // with a table called Customers // Put this code in the form's Load event or its constructor. customersDataSet1.get_Tables().get_Item("Customers").add_ColumnChanging( new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(this.Customers_ColumnChanging));