
更新:2007 年 11 月

千万不要将非对称私钥逐字存储(或者说以明文形式存储)在本地计算机上。如果需要存储私钥,则应使用密钥容器。有关密钥容器的更多信息,请参见位于 https://msdn2.microsoft.com/zh-cn/default.aspx 上的 Platform SDK 文档中的“CryptoAPI”一节。


  1. 创建 CspParameters 类的一个新实例,并将您想让密钥容器使用的名称传递给 CspParameters.KeyContainerName 字段。

  2. 为从 AsymmetricAlgorithm 类派生的一个类(通常是 RSACryptoServiceProviderDSACryptoServiceProvider)创建一个新实例,并将先前创建的 CspParameters 对象传递给其构造函数。


  1. 创建 CspParameters 类的一个新实例,并将您要密钥容器使用的名称传递给 CspParameters.KeyContainerName 字段。

  2. 为从 AsymmetricAlgorithm 类派生的一个类(通常是 RSACryptoServiceProviderDSACryptoServiceProvider)创建一个新实例,并将先前创建的 CspParameters 对象传递给其构造函数。

  3. 将从 AsymmetricAlgorithm 中派生的类的 PersistKeyInCSP 属性设置为 false(在 Visual Basic 中为 False)。

  4. 调用从 AsymmetricAlgorithm 派生的类的 Clear 方法。该方法释放该类所有的资源并清除密钥容器。



请注意,GenKey_SaveInContainer 方法和 GetKeyFromContainer 方法的代码相似。 当为 CspParameters 对象指定密钥容器名称并将其传递给 PersistKeyInCsp 属性或 PersistKeyInCsp 属性设置为 true 的 AsymmetricAlgorithm 对象时,将会发生以下情况。 如果不存在具有指定名称的密钥容器,则系统将创建一个密钥容器,但密钥保持不变。 如果确实存在具有指定名称的密钥容器,则将此容器中的密钥自动加载到当前 AsymmetricAlgorithm 对象中。 因此,GenKey_SaveInContainer 方法中的代码保持密钥不变,因为它首先运行;而 GetKeyFromContainer 方法中的代码加载此密钥,因为它随后运行。

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class StoreKey

    Public Shared Sub Main()
            ' Create a key and save it in a container.

            ' Retrieve the key from the container.

            ' Delete the key from the container.

            ' Create a key and save it in a container.

            ' Delete the key from the container.
        Catch e As CryptographicException
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub GenKey_SaveInContainer(ByVal ContainerName As String)
        ' Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        ' name used to store the RSA key pair.
        Dim cp As New CspParameters()
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName

        ' Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        ' the key container MyKeyContainerName.
        Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp)

        ' Display the key information to the console.
        Console.WriteLine("Key added to container:  {0}", rsa.ToXmlString(True))
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub GetKeyFromContainer(ByVal ContainerName As String)
        ' Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        '  name used to store the RSA key pair.
        Dim cp As New CspParameters()
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName

        ' Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        ' the key container MyKeyContainerName.
        Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp)

        ' Display the key information to the console.
        Console.WriteLine("Key retrieved from container : {0}", rsa.ToXmlString(True))
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub DeleteKeyFromContainer(ByVal ContainerName As String)
        ' Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        '  name used to store the RSA key pair.
        Dim cp As New CspParameters()
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName

        ' Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        ' the key container.
        Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp)

        ' Delete the key entry in the container.
        rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = False

        ' Call Clear to release resources and delete the key from the container.

        Console.WriteLine("Key deleted.")
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

public class StoreKey

    public static void Main()
            // Create a key and save it in a container.
            // Retrieve the key from the container.
            // Delete the key from the container.

            // Create a key and save it in a container.

            // Delete the key from the container.
        catch(CryptographicException e)


    public static void GenKey_SaveInContainer(string ContainerName)
        // Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        // name used to store the RSA key pair.
        CspParameters cp = new CspParameters();
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName;

        // Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        // the key container MyKeyContainerName.
        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp);

        // Display the key information to the console.
        Console.WriteLine("Key added to container: \n  {0}", rsa.ToXmlString(true));

    public static void GetKeyFromContainer(string ContainerName)
        // Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        // name used to store the RSA key pair.
        CspParameters cp = new CspParameters();
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName;

        // Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        // the key container MyKeyContainerName.
        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp);

        // Display the key information to the console.
        Console.WriteLine("Key retrieved from container : \n {0}", rsa.ToXmlString(true));

    public static void DeleteKeyFromContainer(string ContainerName)
        // Create the CspParameters object and set the key container 
        // name used to store the RSA key pair.
        CspParameters cp = new CspParameters();
        cp.KeyContainerName = ContainerName;

        // Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider that accesses
        // the key container.
        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(cp);

        // Delete the key entry in the container.
        rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

        // Call Clear to release resources and delete the key from the container.

        Console.WriteLine("Key deleted.");
Key added to container:
<RSAKeyValue> Key Information A</RSAKeyValue>
Key retrieved from container :
<RSAKeyValue> Key Information A</RSAKeyValue>
Key deleted.
Key added to container:
<RSAKeyValue> Key Information B</RSAKeyValue>
Key deleted.







