更新:2007 年 11 月
可以创建自己的提取规则。若要执行此操作,需从提取规则类派生出自己的规则。从 ExtractionRule 基类派生提取规则。
Visual Studio Team System Test Edition 提供了一些预定义的提取规则。有关更多信息,请参见关于提取规则。
说明: |
还可以创建自定义验证规则。有关更多信息,请参见关于验证规则。 |
打开包含 Web 测试的测试项目。
重要说明: 您可以在测试所在的项目中创建类。但是,如果您希望重用规则,则最好创建一个单独的类库项目来存储规则。如果创建单独的项目,则必须完成本过程中的可选步骤。
(可选)在该类库项目中,添加一个对 Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.WebTestFramework dll 的引用。
创建一个从 ExtractionRule 类派生的类。实现 Extract 和 RuleName 成员。
在测试项目中,在“Web 测试编辑器”中打开一个 Web 测试。
若要添加自定义提取规则,请右击某 Web 测试请求并选择“添加提取规则”。
运行 Web 测试。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting;
using System.Globalization;
namespace ClassLibrary2
// This class creates a custom extraction rule named "Custom Extract Input"
// The user of the rule specifies the name of an input field, and the
// rule attempts to extract the value of that input field.
public class CustomExtractInput : ExtractionRule
/// Specify a name for use in the user interface.
/// The user sees this name in the Add Extraction dialog box.
public override string RuleName
get { return "Custom Extract Input"; }
/// Specify a description for use in the user interface.
/// The user sees this description in the Add Extraction dialog box.
public override string RuleDescription
get { return "Extracts the value from a specified input field"; }
// The name of the desired input field
private string NameValue;
public string Name
get { return NameValue; }
set { NameValue = value; }
// The Extract method. The parameter e contains the Web test context.
public override void Extract(object sender, ExtractionEventArgs e)
if (e.Response.HtmlDocument != null)
foreach (HtmlTag tag in e.Response.HtmlDocument.GetFilteredHtmlTags(new string[] { "input" }))
if (String.Equals(tag.GetAttributeValueAsString("name"), Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
string formFieldValue = tag.GetAttributeValueAsString("value");
if (formFieldValue == null)
formFieldValue = String.Empty;
// add the extracted value to the Web test context
e.WebTest.Context.Add(this.ContextParameterName, formFieldValue);
e.Success = true;
// If the extraction fails, set the error text that the user sees
e.Success = false;
e.Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Not Found: {0}", Name);
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.WebTesting
Imports System.Globalization
Namespace ClassLibrary2
' This class creates a custom extraction rule named "Custom Extract Input"
' The user of the rule specifies the name of an input field, and the
' rule attempts to extract the value of that input field.
Public Class CustomExtractInput
Inherits ExtractionRule
' Specify a name for use in the user interface.
' The user sees this name in the Add Extraction dialog box.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property RuleName() As String
Return "Custom Extract Input"
End Get
End Property
' Specify a description for use in the user interface.
' The user sees this description in the Add Extraction dialog box.
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property RuleDescription() As String
Return "Extracts the value from a specified input field"
End Get
End Property
' The name of the desired input field
Private NameValue As String
Public Property Name() As String
Return NameValue
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
NameValue = value
End Set
End Property
' The Extract method. The parameter e contains the Web test context.
Public Overrides Sub Extract(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExtractionEventArgs)
If Not e.Response.HtmlDocument Is Nothing Then
For Each tag As HtmlTag In e.Response.HtmlDocument.GetFilteredHtmlTags(New String() {"input"})
If String.Equals(tag.GetAttributeValueAsString("name"), Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
Dim formFieldValue As String = tag.GetAttributeValueAsString("value")
If formFieldValue Is Nothing Then
formFieldValue = String.Empty
End If
' add the extracted value to the Web test context
e.WebTest.Context.Add(Me.ContextParameterName, formFieldValue)
e.Success = True
End If
End If
' If the extraction fails, set the error text that the user sees
e.Success = False
e.Message = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Not Found: {0}", Name)
End Sub
End Class
end namespace
Extract 方法中包含了提取规则的核心功能。前面示例中的 Extract 方法接受 ExtractionEventArgs 参数,该参数用于提供此提取规则涵盖范围内的请求生成的响应。该响应包含一个 HtmlDocument,其中包含了响应中的所有标记。输入标记会从 HtmlDocument 筛选排除掉。会对每个输入标记的 name 属性进行检查,以确定其值是否与用户所提供的 Name 属性的值相等。如果找到具有此匹配属性的标记,便会尝试提取 value 属性所包含的值(如果存在 value 属性的话)。如果该值存在,则会提取标记的名称和值,并将它们添加到 Web 测试上下文中。提取规则通过。