AdtAdmin.exe /GetDBAuth


适用于: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager,System Center 2012 - Operations Manager,System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

<_caps3a_sxs _xmlns3a_caps=""><_caps3a_sxstarget locale="zh-CN">/GetDBAuth 参数显示 ACS 收集器用于访问 ACS 数据库的当前身份验证方法。 两种可用的身份验证方法分别是 Windows 身份验证和 SQL 身份验证。 如果使用 SQL 身份验证,/GetDBAuth 参数将显示 ACS 收集器当前用于连接到 ACS 数据库的用户帐户的名称。语法AdtAdmin.exe /GetDBAuth [/Collector:<CollectorName>]子参数定义/Collector:CollectorName指定你要显示其数据库身份验证帐户的 ACS 收集器。 如果省略此子参数,则假定使用本地 ACS 收集器。示例此示例说明 ACS 收集器用来连接到 ACS 数据库的身份验证方法。 以下示例中假定为本地 ACS 收集器:AdtAdmin /GetDBAuth Audit Collection Services Administration (AdtAdmin.exe) AdtAdmin.exe /AddGroup AdtAdmin.exe /DelGroup AdtAdmin.exe /Disconnect AdtAdmin.exe /GetQuery AdtAdmin.exe /ListForwarders AdtAdmin.exe /ListGroups AdtAdmin.exe /SetDBAuth AdtAdmin.exe /SetQuery AdtAdmin.exe /Stats AdtAdmin.exe /UpdForwarder AdtAdmin.exe /UpdGroup <_caps3a_sxssource locale="en-US">The /GetDBAuth parameter displays the current authentication method used by the ACS collector to access the ACS database. The two available authentication methods are Windows Authentication and SQL authentication. If SQL authentication is used, the /GetDBAuth parameter displays the name of the user account currently in use by the ACS collector to connect to the ACS database.SyntaxAdtAdmin.exe /GetDBAuth [/Collector:<CollectorName>]SubparameterDefinition/Collector:CollectorNameSpecifies an ACS collector whose database authentication account you want to display. If this subparameter is omitted, the local ACS collector is assumed.ExampleThis example retrieves the authentication method used by the ACS collector to connect to the ACS Database. In the following example, the local ACS collector is assumed:AdtAdmin /GetDBAuth Audit Collection Services Administration (AdtAdmin.exe) AdtAdmin.exe /AddGroup AdtAdmin.exe /DelGroup AdtAdmin.exe /Disconnect AdtAdmin.exe /GetQuery AdtAdmin.exe /ListForwarders AdtAdmin.exe /ListGroups AdtAdmin.exe /SetDBAuth AdtAdmin.exe /SetQuery AdtAdmin.exe /Stats AdtAdmin.exe /UpdForwarder AdtAdmin.exe /UpdGroup