System Center 2012 SP1 内 VMM 的新增功能
发布日期: 2016年3月
适用于: System Center 2012 SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager
<_caps3a_sxs _xmlns3a_caps=""><_caps3a_sxstarget locale="zh-CN">下面是 VMM 版本的 System Center 2012 SP1 中一些你可能需要考虑的一般性更改:System Center 2012 SP1 中不再支持 VMM 自助服务门户。 我们建议你改用 System Center 2012 SP1 - App Controller 作为自助服务门户解决方案。 有关 App Controller 的详情,请参阅 App Controller。自助服务用户现在可以使用 VMM 控制台(而不是 VMM 自助服务门户)来执行任务,例如部署虚拟机和服务。不再支持通过 N_Port ID 虚拟化 (NPIV) 实现的高可用性。VMM 与为 Hyper-V 中的虚拟机配置的虚拟光纤通道兼容。不再支持 OVF 工具。 要将 OVF 包导入和导出到 Hyper-V,可转为使用转换 VMDK/VHD 文件的 Microsoft 虚拟机转换器 (MVMC)。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.0(Microsoft 虚拟机转换器 3.0)。下表汇总了 VMM 版本中的 System Center 2012 SP1 增强功能和其他更改。部署 VMM获取详细信息对操作系统和其他必需软件的受支持版本矩阵的增强。有关支持的配置和必需配置的完整列表,请参阅System Requirements for System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager。与 Windows Server 2012 的集成,对 Microsoft Hyper-V 功能提供了诸多增强,如下所示:大虚拟机可对更大数量的节点提供支持的群集通过 SMI-S 进行的存储管理(存储管理计划 – 规范)请参阅 Configuring Storage Overview(配置存储概述)中的“支持的存储阵列”一节。能够管理 vSphere 5.1 和 Citrix XenServer 6.0。有关 Citrix 的详情,请参阅 Managing Citrix XenServer Overview(管理 Citrix XenServer 概述)。 有关 vSphere 的详情,请参阅How to Add VMware ESX Hosts to VMM和How to Configure Network Settings on a VMware ESX Host。在 VMM 中配置构造资源 - 网络获取详细信息用于虚拟机网络的新模型,包括用于网络隔离的网络虚拟化和虚拟局域网 (VLAN)。Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in VMM How to Create a VM Network in SP1 对 Hyper-V 可扩展交换机的管理,包括使用新的逻辑交换机概念部署和配置虚拟交换机扩展。How to Add a Virtual Switch Extension Manager in SP1 对网络虚拟化的支持,包括对使用动态主机配置协议 (DHCP) 来分配客户地址以及使用包含通用路由封装的网络虚拟化 (NVGRE) 对虚拟机的 IP 地址进行虚拟化的支持。Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in VMM 软件定义的网络,包含对 Hyper-V 网络虚拟化和交换机扩展管理的支持。 这使得数据中心中的网络配置保持不变。Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in System Center 2012 SP1 Configuring Ports and Switches for VM Networks in System Center 2012 SP1 How to Add a Virtual Switch Extension Manager in System Center 2012 SP1 引入了逻辑交换机,允许你跨多个 Hyper-V 主机以单一实体的形式管理单独的交换机实例。How to Create a Logical Switch in SP1 能够部署和管理第三方交换机扩展,例如 Cisco 1KV 和 InMon。 对于投资购买了这些第三方产品的组织,可将这些扩展集成到 VMM 中。How to Create a Logical Switch in SP1 在 VMM 中配置构造资源 - 存储获取详细信息对文件共享的支持,这些共享利用 Windows Server 2012 中引入的新的 3.0 版服务器消息块 (SMB) 协议。 此版本中的 VMM 支持将 Windows Server 2012 计算机上的网络文件共享指定为虚拟机文件(例如配置文件、虚拟硬盘 (.vhd/.vhdx) 文件和检查点)的存储位置。在与此版本中的 VMM 一起使用时,SMB 3.0 文件共享具有以下优点:SMB 上的 Hyper-V 支持文件服务器和存储,与传统的存储区域网络 (SAN) 相比,效率有所提高。如果使用 SMB 3.0 文件共享作为虚拟机文件的存储位置,你可以在两个独立 Hyper-V 主机或两个独立 Hyper-V 主机群集之间“实时迁移”正在运行的虚拟机。 由于存储位置是可从源和目标主机中使用的共享位置,因此只有虚拟机状态才必须在主机之间传输。你可以在独立 Windows Server 2012 文件服务器和群集 Windows Server 2012 文件服务器上创建 SMB 3.0 文件共享。 如果使用独立文件服务器,你可以将 SMB 3.0 文件共享指派为 Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 主机群集上的虚拟机存储位置。 但是,这不是一个高度可用的解决方案。有关 Windows Server 2012 中的 SMB 3.0 的详情,请参阅服务器消息块概述。有关如何创建高度可用 SMB 3.0 文件共享的详情,请参阅横向扩展应用程序数据文件服务器概述,以及从该主题中链接的“部署横向扩展文件服务器”方案的步骤 1 和步骤 2。新的基于 Windows 标准的存储管理服务替代了 System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager 中的 Microsoft 存储管理服务。 新的服务使用 Windows 存储管理应用程序编程接口 (API),该接口是 Windows Server 2012 中包括的一种基于 WMI 的编程接口。 利用这个新的 API,你能够通过使用多种提供程序类型来发现存储。Windows 存储管理 API 取代了虚拟磁盘服务 (VDS) 接口。 因此,如果你在使用仅使用 VDS 硬件提供程序(而不是 SMI-S)的存储阵列,则存储区域网络 (SAN) 传输功能将不再可用。 SAN 传输使你能够在虚拟硬盘位于存储阵列上时将虚拟机从一个位置迁移到另一个位置。 将包含虚拟机的逻辑单元号 (LUN) 从源计算机重新映射到目标计算机,而不是通过网络传输文件。在此版本中,VMM 支持以下类型的存储提供程序和阵列:存在于 System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager 中的 SMI-S CIM–XML。有关详细信息 支持的存储阵列,请参阅配置存储的概述中的“支持的存储阵列”部分。对称多处理 (SMP)支持的阵列:Dell EqualLogic PS 系列(使用 iSCSI)。配置存储概述对自动(动态)iSCSI 目标系统(例如 Dell EqualLogic PS 系列)的支持。System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager 仅支持静态 iSCSI 目标系统。通过 VMM 支持逻辑单元的精简配置。 存储阵列必须支持精简配置。 并且,存储管理员必须为存储池启用精简配置。与第三方 SAN 和 Windows Server 2012 文件服务器上基于文件的存储的集成。在 VMM 中配置构造资源 - Hyper-V获取详细信息支持使用 .vhdx 格式的虚拟硬盘作为基本操作系统映像。How to Discover Physical Computers and Deploy as Hyper-V Hosts in VMM 利用深层发现和一致的设备命名 (CDN) 的操作系统部署。 CDN 允许 VMM 以可预见的方式将网络接口控制器 (NIC) 分配给正确的网络和组。在发现过程中,你可以在部署操作系统之前运行“深层发现”来查看有关物理计算机硬件的更详细信息。 在此版本中,只启用了一部分深层发现功能。 你可以查看物理网络适配器信息、有关 CPU 的信息以及内存量。 你可以配置诸如逻辑交换机等网络选项,并可以更改 VMM 自动指派为管理网络适配器的网络适配器的设置。How to Discover Physical Computers and Deploy as Hyper-V Hosts in VMM How to Create a Host or a Physical Computer Profile to Provision a Hyper-V Host in VMM 支持物理网络适配器配置,如下所示:IP 配置逻辑交换机创建NIC 组合支持主机 vNIC 配置。支持在操作系统部署过程中选择启动磁盘。增强了操作系统部署过程中的默认自动磁盘选择逻辑。虚拟机和服务获取详细信息支持将服务部署到与 VMM 管理服务器的域没有信任关系的域或工作组中的虚拟机。Preparing to Create Services in VMM (仅在 Hyper-V 中)支持将服务部署到未连接的虚拟机,其中的服务实例未通过网络连接到 VMM 管理服务器和/或 VMM 库服务器。Preparing to Create Services in VMM 在作为服务的一部分部署虚拟机和创建 SQL Server 配置文件时,增加了对使用 SQL Server 2012 作为 Microsoft SQL Server 实例的支持。 How to Create a SQL Server Profile 应用程序配置文件:对于应用程序包的部署,增加了对以下应用程序的更新版本的支持:Web 部署 3.0数据层应用程序框架 (DAC Fx) 3.0Server App-V SP1支持在虚拟上安装应用程序前后运行多个脚本的应用程序配置文件,如果某个脚本失败,则能够重新运行(如果已在配置文件中指定这样做)。支持将 MSDeploy 包部署到现有 Internet Information Services (IIS) 服务器,不管它们是虚拟服务器还是物理服务器,是否由 VMM 管理(Web 应用程序主机)。How to Create an Application Profile 支持在创建和部署服务时添加 Windows Server 2012 角色和功能,例如 Windows Server Update Services 角色。支持 IIS 应用程序主机,这些主机允许你将网站部署到预先存在的 IIS Web 场。How to Apply Updates to a Deployed Service in VMM 支持 Windows Server 2012 中引入的新版本的虚拟硬盘格式。 此新格式称为“VHDX”。 与较旧的 VHD 格式相比,VHDX 的存储容量大得多(高达 64 TB)。 VHDX 格式还提供电源故障期间的数据损坏保护。 此外,它与虚拟硬盘格式更加一致,在大扇区物理磁盘上表现良好。对 VHDX 的支持包括以下各项:你可以将部署到基于 Windows Server 2012 的主机的虚拟机的虚拟硬盘从 .vhd 转换为 .vhdx 虚拟硬盘格式。 转换包括任何关联的检查点。如果你创建具有空白虚拟硬盘的新虚拟机,VMM 将根据在放置过程中选择的主机的操作系统来确定格式应该是 .vhd 还是 .vhdx。 如果是基于 Windows Server 2012 的主机,则 VMM 使用 .vhdx 格式。 如果是基于 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 的主机,则 VMM 使用 .vhd 格式。如果将物理计算机设置为 Hyper-V 主机,则可以指定 .vhdx 文件作为基本操作系统的映像。你可以使用 VMM 来“快速设置”通过支持 SAN 副本的模板使用基于 VHDX 的虚拟硬盘的任何虚拟机。运行 VMM 的 Windows Server 2012 库服务器会自动编制 .vhdx 文件的索引。除了在 VMM 的以前版本中提供的小型和大型空白 .vhd 文件外,VMM 中的 System Center 2012 SP1 库还包含小型 (16 GB) 和大型 (60 GB) 空白 .vhdx 文件。有关 Windows Server 2012 中的 VHDX 格式的优点的详情,请参阅 Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk Format Overview(Hyper-V 虚拟硬盘格式概述)。Rapid Provisioning a Virtual Machine by Using SAN Copy Overview 支持将物理计算机设置为 Hyper-V 主机。 在将物理计算机设置为 Hyper-V 主机时,你可以使用基于 Windows Server 2012 的虚拟磁盘(.vhdx 或 .vhd 格式)作为基本操作系统映像。有关添加物理计算机作为 Hyper-V 主机的背景信息,请参阅 Adding Physical Computers as Hyper-V Hosts Overview(添加物理计算机作为 Hyper-V 主机概述)。现在,借助以下各项可完全支持基于 Linux 的虚拟机:在创建基于 Linux 的虚拟机模板时增加了针对特定于 Linux 的操作系统专用化的设置。仅当在 Hyper-V 上部署 Linux 虚拟机时,才支持这些设置。能够在部署多层应用程序或服务的服务模板中包括 Linux 虚拟机模板。更新了 Windows PowerShell cmdlet 以支持这一新功能。How to Create a Virtual Machine Template Requirements for Linux-Based Virtual Machines 能够使用 VMM 控制台在 Hyper-V 主机群集上配置虚拟机的可用性选项,而不必打开故障转移群集管理器。Configuring Availability Options for Virtual Machines 实时迁移获取详细信息群集外部的实时迁移。 这是对在群集内支持实时迁移的补充。 群集外部的实时迁移允许你在不是群集节点的两个独立计算机之间执行实时迁移。有关 Windows Server 2012 中的实时迁移的详情,请参阅以下主题:虚拟机实时迁移概述 Machine Storage Migration Overview(虚拟机存储迁移概述) Virtual Machines and Storage Overview 两个不同群集中节点之间的实时迁移。 你可以在一个群集内的节点之间迁移,或在不同群集中的节点之间迁移。Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 考虑到虚拟机存储迁移的存储迁移。 你可以迁移存储,以便更新 Hyper-V 中可用的物理存储,或缓解存储性能的瓶颈。 可将存储添加到独立计算机或 Hyper-V 群集。 然后,可在虚拟机继续运行的同时将虚拟机转移到新的存储。Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 实时 VSM。 通过使用实时虚拟系统迁移 (VSM),你可以在单一操作中同时迁移虚拟机和存储。Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 并发实时迁移。 你可以执行虚拟机和存储的多个并发实时迁移。 可以手动配置允许的并发实时迁移数。 超出该限制的尝试并发实时迁移将排队。Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 VMM 控制台获取详细信息为 VMM 控制台集成了可扩展控制台功能的第三方用户界面 (UI) 外接程序。 例如,你可以创建将允许你执行以下操作的控制台外接程序:在 VMM 控制台中添加功能区条目,以便直接从功能区中启动 Web 浏览器和 Windows 应用程序。通过编写使用根据所选 VMM 对象所传递上下文的应用程序,实现适用于 VMM 对象的新操作或其他配置。将自定义 Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) UI 或 Web 门户直接嵌入 VMM 控制台的主要视图,以提供更完全整合的体验。MSDN 上的 Virtual Machine Manager Add-in SDK(Virtual Machine Manager 外接程序 SDK)。针对 VMM 控制台的若干显著性能提升。 缩短了加载时间,并大幅改善了排序和筛选视图的性能。 对于查看作业历史记录,作业现在以增量方式加载,并且视图有一组更丰富的数据筛选选项,从而降低了大型作业集对控制台性能的影响。VMM 控制台中的概述页现在显示有关服务、租户和云的使用情况及容量指标的各种报告。其他改进获取详细信息性能和可扩展性:增加了 VMM 管理服务器的规模,以便能够管理 1000 个主机和 25,000 个虚拟机。不管使用哪些支持的虚拟机监控程序,规模限制都保持一致。 VMM 不管位于何处都可管理 25,000 个虚拟机。支持 64 节点群集。提升了 VMM 控制台的性能。与 Operation Manager 集成,如下所示:能够使用 Operations Manager 来查看与应用程序主机、负载平衡器及用户角色相关的信息,同时还能够监视虚拟机、服务、主机系统、网络适配器以及构造的其他元素。在云上的负载超出构造容量的所选阈值的情况下,通过 Operations Manager 接收通知。 以并发方式查看其他云,获得可重新分配以满足需求的可用额外容量。生成对每个配置的服务或服务用户的资源使用情况进行跟踪的报告,帮助进行容量规划。Configuring Operations Manager Integration with VMM 支持 VMM cmdlet 的可更新帮助。有关详细信息如何下载 VMM cmdlet 的最新帮助内容,请参阅 About_VMM_2012_Updating_Help。 或者,你可以在命令行界面中键入以下命令:Get-Help about_VMM_2012_Updating_Help网络虚拟化此版本中的 VMM 支持 Windows Server 2012 中提供的网络虚拟化功能。利用网络虚拟化,能够在同一物理网络上运行可能具有重叠 IP 地址的多个虚拟网络基础结构。 借助网络虚拟化,每个虚拟网络基础结构在运行时就好像是在共享网络基础结构上运行的唯一基础结构一样。 这样,使用 VMM 的两个不同业务组将能够使用相同的 IP 寻址方案,而不会产生冲突。 此外,网络虚拟化提供隔离,以便只有特定虚拟网络基础结构上的虚拟机才能相互通信。Windows Server 2012 中的网络虚拟化旨在消除虚拟机设置的 VLAN 和分层 IP 地址分配所受的限制。 这样,将能灵活地放置虚拟机,因为不管将虚拟机放置在哪个主机上,它都能保持其 IP 地址。 放置不受物理 IP 子网层次结构或 VLAN 配置所限。为了在 Windows Server 2012 中对网络进行虚拟化,每个虚拟机都分配有两个 IP 地址,如下所示:客户地址。 此 IP 地址向虚拟机显示,并由客户用来与虚拟机通信。提供商地址。 此 IP 地址由托管虚拟机的 Hyper-V 计算机使用。 它不会向虚拟机显示。在此版本中,你可通过使用“包含通用路由封装的网络虚拟化 (NVGRE)”来对虚拟机的 IP 地址进行虚拟化。 在 NVGRE 中,在将所有虚拟机数据包发送到物理网络之前,将使用新的标头对其进行封装。 IP 封装提供更好的可扩展性,因为特定主机上的所有虚拟机都可共用同一提供商 IP 地址。VMM 为虚拟机创建必要的 IP 地址映射,以便利用 Windows Server 2012 中的网络虚拟化功能。 为了分配提供商地址,VMM 使用与逻辑网络关联的 IP 地址池。 为了分配客户地址,VMM 使用与虚拟机子网关联的 IP 地址池,该子网依次又与虚拟机网络关联。在此版本中,你现在可以通过 DHCP 或通过使用静态 IP 地址来分配客户地址。 为虚拟机子网创建了 IP 地址池后,会自动启用该池以便按任一机制设置 IP 地址。 要使 DHCP 正常工作,所有 Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 主机上都需要新的 DHCPv4 服务器交换机扩展。有关 Windows Server 2012 中的网络虚拟化的详情,请参阅 Hyper-V 网络虚拟化概述。What's New in VMM in System Center 2012 R2 What's New in System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager <_caps3a_sxssource locale="en-US">Here are some general changes in VMM in the System Center 2012 SP1 release that you might need to consider:The VMM Self-Service Portal is no longer supported in System Center 2012 SP1. Instead, we recommend that you use System Center 2012 SP1 - App Controller as the self-service portal solution. For more information about App Controller, see App Controller users can now use the VMM console instead of the VMM Self-Service Portal to perform tasks such as deploying virtual machines and services.High availability with N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) is no longer supported.VMM is compatible with virtual Fibre Channels that are configured for virtual machines in Hyper-V.The OVF tool is no longer supported. Instead, to import and export an OVF package to Hyper-V, you can use the Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC), which converts the VMDK/VHD file. For more information, see Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.0 following tables summarize VMM enhancements and other changes in the System Center 2012 SP1 release.Deploying VMMFor more informationEnhancements to the matrix of supported versions of operating systems and other required software.For a complete list of supported and required configurations, see System Requirements for System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager.Integration with Windows Server 2012 which delivers numerous enhancements to the Microsoft Hyper-V features, as follows:Large virtual machinesClusters that can support a larger numbers of nodesStorage management through SMI-S (Storage Management Initiative – Specification)See the Supported Storage Arrays section in Configuring Storage Overview to manage vSphere 5.1 and Citrix XenServer 6.0 .For more information about Citrix, see Managing Citrix XenServer Overview For more information about vSphere see How to Add VMware ESX Hosts to VMM and How to Configure Network Settings on a VMware ESX Host.Configuring Fabric Resources in VMM - NetworksFor more informationNew model for virtual machine networking, including network virtualization and virtual local area networks (VLANs) for network isolation.Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in VMM How to Create a VM Network in SP1 Management of the Hyper-V extensible switch, including deployment and configuration of virtual switch extensions using a new logical switch concept.How to Add a Virtual Switch Extension Manager in SP1 Support for network virtualization that includes support for using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign customer addresses using Network Virtualization with Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE) to virtualize the IP address of a virtual machine.Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in VMM Software-defined networking with support for Hyper-V network virtualization and switch extension management. This allows a constant network configuration in the datacenter.Configuring VM Networks and Gateways in System Center 2012 SP1 Configuring Ports and Switches for VM Networks in System Center 2012 SP1 How to Add a Virtual Switch Extension Manager in System Center 2012 SP1 Introduction of a logical switch that allows you to manage individual switch instances across multiple Hyper-V hosts as a single entity.How to Create a Logical Switch in SP1 Ability to deploy and manage third-party switch extensions, such as Cisco 1KV and InMon. For organizations that have investments in these third-party products, these can be integrated into VMM.How to Create a Logical Switch in SP1 Configuring Fabric Resources in VMM - StorageFor more informationSupport for file shares that leverage the new 3.0 version of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol that is introduced in Windows Server 2012.VMM in this release includes support for designating network file shares on Windows Server 2012 computers as the storage location for virtual machine files, such as configuration, virtual hard disk (.vhd/.vhdx) files and checkpoints.SMB 3.0 file shares provide the following benefits when they are used with VMM in this release:Hyper-V over SMB supports file servers and storage with improved efficiency compared to traditional storage area networks (SANs).If you use SMB 3.0 file shares as the storage locations for virtual machine files, you can "live migrate" virtual machines that are running between two standalone Hyper-V hosts or between two stand-alone Hyper-V host clusters. Because the storage location is a shared location that is available from the source and destination hosts, only the virtual machine state must transfer between hosts.You can create SMB 3.0 file shares on standalone Windows Server 2012 file servers and on clustered Windows Server 2012 file servers. If you use a standalone file server, you can designate an SMB 3.0 file share as the virtual machine storage location on a Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V host cluster. However, this is not a highly available solution.For more information about SMB 3.0 in Windows Server 2012, see Server Message Block Overview more information about how to create a highly available SMB 3.0 file share, see Scale-Out File Server for Application Data Overview, and steps 1 and 2 of the Deploy Scale-Out File Server scenario that is linked to from that topic.The new Windows Standards-Based Storage Management service replaces the Microsoft Storage Management Service in System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager. The new service uses the Windows Storage Management application programming interface (API), a WMI-based programming interface that is included in Windows Server 2012. This new API enables you to discover storage by using multiple provider types.The Windows Storage Management API supersedes the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) interface. Therefore, if you are using a storage array that uses only the VDS hardware provider (and not SMI-S), storage area network (SAN) transfer capabilities will no longer be available. A SAN transfer enables you to migrate a virtual machine from one location to another when the virtual hard disk is located on a storage array. The logical unit number (LUN) that contains the virtual machine is remapped from the source computer to the destination computer instead of transferring the files over the network.In this release, VMM supports the following types of storage providers and arrays:SMI-S CIM–XML, which existed in System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager.有关详细信息 the supported storage arrays, see the Supported Storage Arrays section of Configuring Storage Overview multiprocessing (SMP)Supported array: Dell EqualLogic PS Series using iSCSI.Configuring Storage Overview for auto (dynamic) iSCSI target systems, such as the Dell EqualLogic PS Series.System Center 2012 – Virtual Machine Manager supports only static iSCSI target systems.Support for thin provisioning of logical units through VMM. Your storage array must support thin provisioning. And thin provisioning must be enabled for a storage pool by your storage administrator.Integration with third-party SANs and file-based storage on Windows Server 2012 File server.Configuring Fabric Resources in VMM - Hyper-VFor more informationSupport for using a virtual hard disk that is in the .vhdx format as the base operating system image.How to Discover Physical Computers and Deploy as Hyper-V Hosts in VMM Operating system deployment that utilizes deep discovery and Consistent Device Naming (CDN). CDN allows VMM to predictably assign network interface controllers (NICs) to the correct networks and teams.During the discovery process, you can run deep discovery to see more detailed information about the physical computer hardware before you deploy the operating system. In this release, deep discovery functionality is only partially enabled. You can view the physical network adapter information, information about the CPU, and the amount of memory. You can configure network options such as logical switches, and you can change the settings for the network adapter that VMM automatically designates as the management network adapter.How to Discover Physical Computers and Deploy as Hyper-V Hosts in VMM How to Create a Host or a Physical Computer Profile to Provision a Hyper-V Host in VMM Support for physical network adapter configuration as follows:IP configurationLogical switch creationNIC TeamingSupport for Host vNIC configuration.Support for startup disk selection as part of operating system deployment.Enhanced default auto disk selection logic as part of operating system deployment.Virtual Machines and ServicesFor more informationSupport for deployment of services to virtual machines in a domain or workgroup that does not have a trust relationship with the domain of the VMM management server.Preparing to Create Services in VMM In Hyper-V only, support for the deployment of services to virtual machines that are not connected, where the service instance does not have network connectivity to the VMM management server, to a VMM library server, or to both.Preparing to Create Services in VMM When deploying a virtual machine as part of a service and creating a SQL Server profile, added support for SQL Server 2012 as an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. How to Create a SQL Server Profile Application profiles:For the deployment of application packages, added support for updated versions of the following applications:Web Deploy 3.0Data-tier Application Framework (DAC Fx) 3.0Server App-V SP1Support for application profiles that run multiple scripts before and after installing an application on a virtual machine, and if a script fails, the capability to rerun if specified to do so in the profile.Support for deploying MSDeploy packages to existing Internet Information Services (IIS) servers, whether they are virtual or physical, managed by VMM or not (Web Application Host).How to Create an Application Profile Support for adding Windows Server 2012 roles and features when creating and deploying services, such as the Windows Server Update Services role.Support for IIS application hosts, which allow you to deploy websites into pre-existing IIS web farms.How to Apply Updates to a Deployed Service in VMM Support for the new version of the virtual hard disk format that is introduced in Windows Server 2012. This new format is referred to as VHDX. Compared to the older VHD format, VHDX has a much larger storage capacity of up to 64 TB. The VHDX format also provides data corruption protection during power failures. Additionally, it offers improved alignment of the virtual hard disk format to perform well on large-sector physical disks.Support for VHDX includes the following:You can convert a virtual hard disk for a virtual machine that is deployed to a Windows Server 2012-based host from the .vhd to .vhdx virtual hard disk format. The conversion includes any associated checkpoints.If you create a new virtual machine with a blank virtual hard disk, VMM determines whether the format should be .vhd or .vhdx, depending on the operating system of the host that is selected during placement. If it is a Windows Server 2012–based host, VMM uses the .vhdx format. If it is a Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1–based host, VMM uses the .vhd format.If you provision a physical computer as a Hyper-V host, you can specify a .vhdx file as the image for the base operating system.You can use VMM to "rapidly provision" any virtual machines that use VHDX-based virtual hard disks from SAN-copy capable templates.A VMM library server that runs Windows Server 2012 automatically indexes .vhdx files.In addition to the small and large blank .vhd files that were available in previous versions of VMM, the VMM library in System Center 2012 SP1 also contains both a small (16 gigabytes (GB)) and a large (60 GB) blank .vhdx files.For more information about the benefits of the VHDX format in Windows Server 2012, see Hyper-V Virtual Hard Disk Format Overview Provisioning a Virtual Machine by Using SAN Copy Overview Support for provisioning a physical computer as a Hyper-V host. When you provision a physical computer as a Hyper-V host, you can use a Windows Server 2012-based virtual hard disk that is in the .vhdx or .vhd format as the base operating system image.For background information about adding a physical computer as a Hyper-V host, see Adding Physical Computers as Hyper-V Hosts Overview virtual machines are now fully supported with the following:Added settings for Linux-specific operating system specialization when you are creating a Linux-based virtual machine template.These settings are supported only when the Linux virtual machine is deployed on Hyper-V.Ability to include a Linux virtual machine template in a service template that deploys a multi-tier application or service.Updated Windows PowerShell cmdlets to support this new functionality.How to Create a Virtual Machine Template Requirements for Linux-Based Virtual Machines Ability to configure availability options for virtual machines on Hyper-V host clusters by using the VMM console, without having to open Failover Cluster Manager.Configuring Availability Options for Virtual Machines Live MigrationFor more informationLive migration outside a cluster. This is in addition to supporting live migration within a cluster. Live migration outside a cluster allows you to perform live migration between two standalone computers that are not cluster nodes.For more information about live migration in Windows Server 2012, see the following topics:Virtual Machine Live Migration Overview Machine Storage Migration Overview Virtual Machines and Storage Overview Live migration between nodes in two different clusters. You can migrate between nodes within a cluster, or between nodes in different clusters.Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 Storage migration, which allows for the migration of virtual machine storage. You can migrate storage in order to update the physical storage available in Hyper-V, or to mitigate bottlenecks in storage performance. Storage can be added to either a standalone computer or a Hyper-V cluster. Then, virtual machines can be moved to the new storage while they continue to run.Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 Live VSM. By using live virtual system migration (VSM) you can migrate both virtual machines and storage in a single action.Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 Concurrent live migration. You can perform multiple concurrent live migrations of virtual machines and storage. The allowable number of concurrent live migrations can be configured manually. Attempted concurrent live migrations in excess of the limit will be queued.Migrating virtual machines and storage in System Center SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager How to Run a Live Migration in VMM in System Center 2012 SP1 VMM ConsoleFor more informationIntegration of third-party user interface (UI) add-ins for the VMM console that can extend the functionality of the console. For example, you can create console add-ins that will allow you to do the following:Add ribbon entries in the VMM console to launch web browsers and Windows applications directly from the ribbon.Enable new actions or additional configuration for VMM objects by writing an application that uses context that is passed regarding the selected VMM objects.Embed custom Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) UI or web portals directly into the VMM console’s main views to provide a more fully integrated experience.Virtual Machine Manager Add-in SDK on MSDN.Several significant performance enhancements to the VMM console. Load times are decreased and the performance of sorting and filtering views is significantly improved. For viewing job history, jobs are now loaded incrementally and the views have a richer set of data-filtering options, reducing the effect of large sets of jobs on console performance.Overview pages in the VMM console now display various reports about usage and capacity metrics for services, tenants and clouds.Additional ImprovementsFor more informationPerformance and scalability:Increased the scale of a VMM management server to be able to manage 1000 hosts and 25,000 virtual machines.Scale limits remain consistent no matter which supported hypervisors are used. VMM can manage 25,000 virtual machines, wherever they are located.Support for a 64 node cluster.Performance enhancement to the VMM console.Integration with Operation Manager as follows:Ability to use Operations Manager to view information related to application hosts, load balancers, and user roles while also being able to monitor virtual machines, services, host systems, network adapters, and other elements of the fabric.Receive notifications from Operations Manager if the load on a cloud has exceeded a chosen threshold of fabric capacity. Concurrently review other clouds for available excess capacity that can be reallocated to meet the demand.Generate reports that track the resource usage of each configured service or service user, to aid in capacity planning.Configuring Operations Manager Integration with VMM Support for updateable Help for VMM cmdlets.有关详细信息 how to download the most recent help content for VMM cmdlets, see About_VMM_2012_Updating_Help Alternatively, you can type the following command in a command shell:Get-Help about_VMM_2012_Updating_HelpNetwork VirtualizationVMM in this release provides support for the network virtualization capabilities that are available in Windows Server 2012.Network virtualization provides the ability to run multiple virtual network infrastructures, potentially with overlapping IP addresses, on the same physical network. With network virtualization, each virtual network infrastructure operates as if it is the only one that is running on the shared network infrastructure. This enables two different business groups that are using VMM to use the same IP addressing scheme without conflict. In addition, network virtualization provides isolation so that only virtual machines on a specific virtual network infrastructure can communicate with each other.Network virtualization in Windows Server 2012 is designed to remove the constraints of VLAN and hierarchical IP address assignment for virtual machine provisioning. This enables flexibility in virtual machine placement because the virtual machine can keep its IP address regardless of which host it is placed on. Placement is not limited by physical IP subnet hierarchies or VLAN configurations.To virtualize the network in Windows Server 2012, each virtual machine is assigned two IP addresses as follows:A customer address. This IP address is visible to the virtual machine and is used by customers to communicate with the virtual machine.A provider address. This IP address is used by the Hyper-V computer that hosts the virtual machine. It is not visible to the virtual machine.In this release, you can virtualize the IP address of a virtual machine by using Network Virtualization with Generic Routing Encapsulation (NVGRE). In NVGRE, all of the virtual machines packets are encapsulated with a new header before they are sent on the physical network. IP encapsulation offers better scalability because all of the virtual machines on a specific host can share the same provider IP address.VMM creates the necessary IP address mappings for virtual machines to take advantage of the network virtualization capabilities in Windows Server 2012. To assign provider addresses, VMM uses an IP address pool that is associated with a logical network. To assign customer addresses, VMM uses an IP address pool that is associated with a virtual machine subnet that is, in turn, associated with a virtual machine network.In this release, you can now assign customer addresses through DHCP or by using static IP addresses. When you create an IP address pool for a virtual machine subnet, the pool is automatically enabled to provision IP addresses by either mechanism. For DHCP to work correctly, the new DHCPv4 Server Switch Extension is required on all Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V hosts.For more information about network virtualization in Windows Server 2012, see Hyper-V Network Virtualization Overview's New in VMM in System Center 2012 R2 What's New in System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager