Settings.Agent.Heartbeats.Interval Field


Applies To: Operations Manager for System Center 2012

Represents the heartbeat interval in seconds. The interval is the time between heartbeats that are sent to the Management Server from the agent.

Namespace:   Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration
Assembly:  Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager (in Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.dll)


public static readonly Setting<int> Interval
static initonly Setting<int>^ Interval
static val Interval : Setting<int>
Public Shared ReadOnly Interval As Setting(Of Integer)

Field Value

Type: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration.Setting<Int32>

See Also

Settings.Agent.Heartbeats Structure
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration Namespace

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