DTSXMLDiffOptions 枚举

When the XMLTask has an OperationType set to Diff, then this enumeration is used to sets the options that affect the behavior of the comparison, as well as the resulting XDL DiffGram. The enumerations used will determine what items are included for consideration during the comparison.

此枚举具有可以使用其成员值位组合的 FlagsAttribute 属性。

命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.XMLTask.dll 中)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration DTSXMLDiffOptions
Dim instance As DTSXMLDiffOptions
public enum DTSXMLDiffOptions
public enum class DTSXMLDiffOptions
type DTSXMLDiffOptions
public enum DTSXMLDiffOptions


成员名称 说明
IgnoreChildOrder Specifies that the order of child nodes of each element is ignored. When this option is selected, two nodes with the same value that differ only by their position among sibling child nodes are treated as the same nodes.
IgnoreComments Specifies that Comment nodes are not compared.
IgnoreDtd Specifies that document type declaration (DTD) is not compared.
IgnoreNamespaces Specifies that the namespace Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) of the element and attribute names are not compared. This option also implies that the name prefixes are ignored.

When this option is selected, two names with the same local name, but having a different namespace URI and prefix, are treated as the same names.

IgnorePI Specifies that the namespace URIs of the element and attribute names are not compared. This option also implies that the name prefixes are ignored.

When this option is selected, two names with the same local name, but having a different namespace URI and prefix, are treated as the same names.

IgnorePrefixes Specifies that the prefixes of element and attribute names are not compared. When this option is selected, two names that have the same local name and namespace URI, but have a different prefix, are treated as the same names.
IgnoreWhitespace Specifies that significant white spaces are not compared and that all text nodes are normalized by discarding any leading and trailing white space characters (#x9, #x10, #x13, #x20) and replacing sequences of white space characters with a single space (#x20) character.
IgnoreXmlDecl Specifies that the XML declaration is not compared.
None Specifies that that none of the options found in the enumeration are used.


The following code example assumes that an XMLTask has been created as myTask, with an OperationType set to Diff.

myTask.OperationType = DTSXMLOperation.Diff;
myTask.DiffAlgorithm = DTSXMLDiffAlgorithm.Fast;
myTask.DiffOptions = DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreDtd;
// To set multiple options, use OR.
// myTask.DiffOptions = DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreDtd or DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreComments;
myTask.OperationType = DTSXMLOperation.Diff
myTask.DiffAlgorithm = DTSXMLDiffAlgorithm.Fast
myTask.DiffOptions = DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreDtd
' To set multiple options, use OR.
' myTask.DiffOptions = DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreDtd or DTSXMLDiffOptions.IgnoreComments



Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.XMLTask 命名空间