TSqlFragmentVisitor.ExplicitVisit 方法


Determines the specified visitor.



  名称 说明
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AddAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AddFileSpec) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AddMemberAlterRoleAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AddSearchPropertyListAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AddSignatureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AdHocDataSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AdHocTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlgorithmKeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterApplicationRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAssemblyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAsymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAuthorizationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAvailabilityGroupAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAvailabilityGroupFailoverAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAvailabilityGroupFailoverOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterAvailabilityGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterBrokerPriorityStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterCertificateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterColumnAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterCreateEndpointStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterCreateServiceStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterCredentialStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterCryptographicProviderStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseAddFileGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseAddFileStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseCollateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseModifyFileGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseModifyFileStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseModifyNameStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseRebuildLogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseRemoveFileGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseRemoveFileStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseSetStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterDatabaseTermination) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterEndpointStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterEventSessionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFederationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFullTextCatalogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFullTextIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFullTextStopListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterLoginAddDropCredentialStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterLoginEnableDisableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterLoginOptionsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterLoginStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterMessageTypeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterPartitionFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterPartitionSchemeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterProcedureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterQueueStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterRemoteServiceBindingStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterResourceGovernorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterResourcePoolStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterRoleAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterRouteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterSchemaStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterSearchPropertyListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterSequenceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServerAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServerAuditStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServerConfigurationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServerRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServiceMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterServiceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterSymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableAddTableElementStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableAlterColumnStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableChangeTrackingModificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableConstraintModificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableDropTableElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableDropTableElementStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableFileTableNamespaceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableRebuildStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableSetStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableSwitchStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTableTriggerModificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterTriggerStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterUserStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterViewStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterWorkloadGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AlterXmlSchemaCollectionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ApplicationRoleOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ApplicationRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AssemblyEncryptionSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AssemblyName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AssemblyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AssemblyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AssignmentSetClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AsymmetricKeyCreateLoginSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditActionGroupReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditActionSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditGuidAuditOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditSpecificationDetail) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditSpecificationPart) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditTarget) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuditTargetOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuthenticationEndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AuthenticationPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AutoCleanupChangeTrackingOptionDetail) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AvailabilityGroupOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AvailabilityGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AvailabilityModeReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AvailabilityReplica) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(AvailabilityReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupCertificateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupDatabaseStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupRestoreFileInfo) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupRestoreMasterKeyStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupServiceMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackupTransactionLogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BackwardsCompatibleDropIndexClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BeginConversationTimerStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BeginDialogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BeginEndBlockStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BeginTransactionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BinaryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BinaryLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BinaryQueryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanBinaryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanComparisonExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanExpressionSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanIsNullExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanNotExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanParenthesisExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BooleanTernaryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BoundingBoxParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BoundingBoxSpatialIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BreakStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BrokerPriorityParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BrokerPriorityStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BrowseForClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BuiltInFunctionTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BulkInsertBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BulkInsertOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BulkInsertStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(BulkOpenRowset) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CallTarget) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CaseExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CastCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CellsPerObjectSpatialIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CertificateCreateLoginSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CertificateOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CertificateStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeRetentionChangeTrackingOptionDetail) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeTableChangesTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeTableVersionTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeTrackingDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeTrackingFullTextIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChangeTrackingOptionDetail) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CharacterSetPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CheckConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CheckpointStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ChildObjectName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CloseCursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CloseMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CloseSymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CoalesceExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ColumnDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ColumnDefinitionBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ColumnReferenceExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ColumnStorageOptions) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ColumnWithSortOrder) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CommandSecurityElement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CommitTransactionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CommonTableExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CompositeGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CompressionEndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CompressionPartitionRange) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ComputeClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ComputeFunction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ContainmentDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ContinueStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ContractMessage) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ConvertCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateAggregateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateApplicationRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateAssemblyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateAsymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateAvailabilityGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateBrokerPriorityStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateCertificateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateColumnStoreIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateContractStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateCredentialStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateCryptographicProviderStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateDatabaseStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateDefaultStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateEndpointStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateEventNotificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateEventSessionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateFederationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateFullTextCatalogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateFullTextIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateFullTextStopListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateLoginSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateLoginStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateMessageTypeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreatePartitionFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreatePartitionSchemeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateProcedureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateQueueStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateRemoteServiceBindingStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateResourcePoolStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateRouteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateRuleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSchemaStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSearchPropertyListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSelectiveXmlIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSequenceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateServerAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateServerAuditStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateServerRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateServiceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSpatialIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateStatisticsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateSynonymStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTriggerStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTypeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTypeTableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTypeUddtStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateTypeUdtStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateUserStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateViewStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateWorkloadGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateXmlIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreateXmlSchemaCollectionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CreationDispositionKeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CredentialStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CryptoMechanism) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CubeGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CursorDefaultDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CursorDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CursorId) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CursorOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(CursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DatabaseAuditAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataCompressionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataModificationSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataModificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataModificationTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataTypeReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DataTypeSequenceOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DbccNamedLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DbccOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DbccStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeallocateCursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeclareCursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeclareTableVariableBody) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeclareTableVariableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeclareVariableElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeclareVariableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DefaultConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DefaultLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeleteMergeAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeleteSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeleteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DenyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DenyStatement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DeviceInfo) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DialogOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DiskStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DiskStatementOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropAggregateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropApplicationRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropAssemblyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropAsymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropAvailabilityGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropBrokerPriorityStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropCertificateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropChildObjectsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropClusteredConstraintMoveOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropClusteredConstraintOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropClusteredConstraintStateOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropClusteredConstraintValueOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropContractStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropCredentialStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropCryptographicProviderStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropDatabaseAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropDatabaseEncryptionKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropDatabaseStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropDefaultStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropEndpointStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropEventNotificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropEventSessionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropFederationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropFullTextCatalogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropFullTextIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropFullTextStopListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropIndexClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropIndexClauseBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropIndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropLoginStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropMemberAlterRoleAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropMessageTypeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropObjectsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropPartitionFunctionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropPartitionSchemeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropProcedureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropQueueStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropRemoteServiceBindingStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropResourcePoolStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropRouteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropRuleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSchemaStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSearchPropertyListAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSearchPropertyListStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSequenceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropServerAuditSpecificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropServerAuditStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropServerRoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropServiceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSignatureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropStatisticsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropSynonymStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropTableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropTriggerStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropTypeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropUnownedObjectStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropUserStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropViewStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropWorkloadGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(DropXmlSchemaCollectionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EnabledDisabledPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EnableDisableTriggerStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EncryptionPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EncryptionSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EndConversationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EndpointAffinity) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventDeclaration) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventDeclarationCompareFunctionParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventDeclarationSetParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventGroupContainer) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventNotificationObjectScope) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventRetentionSessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventSessionObjectName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventSessionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventTypeContainer) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(EventTypeGroupContainer) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecutableEntity) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecutableProcedureReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecutableStringList) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteAsClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteAsFunctionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteAsProcedureOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteAsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteAsTriggerOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteContext) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteInsertSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExecuteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExistsPredicate) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExpressionCallTarget) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExpressionGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExpressionWithSortOrder) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ExtractFromExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FailoverModeReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FederationScheme) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FetchCursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FetchType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileDeclaration) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileEncryptionSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileGroupDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileGroupOrPartitionScheme) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileGrowthFileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileNameFileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileStreamDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileStreamOnDropIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileStreamOnTableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileStreamRestoreOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileTableCollateFileNameTableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileTableConstraintNameTableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FileTableDirectoryTableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ForceSeekTableHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ForClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ForeignKeyConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FromClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextCatalogAndFileGroup) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextCatalogOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextCatalogStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextIndexColumn) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextPredicate) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextStopListAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FullTextTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FunctionCallSetClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FunctionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FunctionReturnType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(FunctionStatementBody) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GeneralSetCommand) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GetConversationGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GlobalVariableExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GoToStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GrandTotalGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GrantStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GrantStatement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GridParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GridsSpatialIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GroupByClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GroupingSetsGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(GroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(HadrAvailabilityGroupDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(HadrDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(HavingClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(Identifier) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentifierDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentifierLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentifierOrValueExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentifierPrincipalOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentifierSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentityFunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentityOptions) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IdentityValueKeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IfStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IIfCall) Determines the explicit visitor for IIfCall object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IndexExpressionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IndexStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IndexStateOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IndexTableHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InlineDerivedTable) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InlineResultSetDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InPredicate) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertBulkColumnDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertBulkStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertMergeAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InsertStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IntegerLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(InternalOpenRowset) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(IPv4) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(JoinParenthesisTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(JoinTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(KeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(KeySourceKeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(KillQueryNotificationSubscriptionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(KillStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(KillStatsJobStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LabelStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LeftFunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LikePredicate) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LineNoStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ListenerIPEndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(Literal) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralAuditTargetOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralAvailabilityGroupOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralBulkInsertOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralEndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralOptimizerHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralPrincipalOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralRange) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralSessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralStatisticsOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LiteralTableHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LockEscalationTableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(LoginTypePayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxDispatchLatencySessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxRolloverFilesAuditTargetOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxSizeAuditTargetOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxSizeDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MaxSizeFileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MemoryPartitionSessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MergeAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MergeActionClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MergeSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MergeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MessageTypeStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MethodSpecifier) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MirrorToClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MoneyLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MoveConversationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MoveRestoreOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MoveToDropIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MultiPartIdentifier) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(MultiPartIdentifierCallTarget) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NamedTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NameFileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NextValueForExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NullableConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NullIfExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NullLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(NumericLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OdbcConvertSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OdbcFunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OdbcLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OdbcQualifiedJoinTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OffsetClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnFailureAuditOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffAssemblyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffAuditTargetOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffDialogOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffFullTextCatalogOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffPrincipalOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffRemoteServiceBindingOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OnOffSessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenCursorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenQueryTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenRowsetTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenSymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OpenXmlTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OptimizeForOptimizerHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OptimizerHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OrderBulkInsertOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OrderByClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OutputClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OutputIntoClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(OverClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PageVerifyDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ParameterizationDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ParameterizedDataTypeReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ParameterlessCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ParenthesisExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ParseCall) Determines the explicit visitor for ParseCall object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PartitionFunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PartitionParameterType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PartitionSpecifier) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PartnerDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PasswordAlterPrincipalOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PasswordCreateLoginSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(Permission) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PermissionSetAssemblyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PivotedTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PortsEndpointProtocolOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PredicateSetStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PrimaryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PrimaryRoleReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PrincipalOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PrintStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(Privilege80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(PrivilegeSecurityElement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureReferenceName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureStatementBody) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcedureStatementBodyBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProcessAffinityRange) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProviderEncryptionSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ProviderKeyNameKeyOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QualifiedJoin) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueryDerivedTable) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueryParenthesisExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QuerySpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueDelayAuditOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueExecuteAsOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueProcedureOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueStateOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(QueueValueOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RaiseErrorLegacyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RaiseErrorStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ReadOnlyForClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ReadTextStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RealLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ReceiveStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ReconfigureStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RecoveryDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RemoteServiceBindingOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RemoteServiceBindingStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RenameAlterRoleAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResourcePoolAffinitySpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResourcePoolParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResourcePoolStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RestoreMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RestoreOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RestoreServiceMasterKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RestoreStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResultColumnDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResultSetDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ResultSetsExecuteOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ReturnStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RevertStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RevokeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RevokeStatement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RightFunctionCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RolePayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RoleStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RollbackTransactionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RollupGroupingSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RouteOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RouteStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(RowValue) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SaveTransactionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarExpressionDialogOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarExpressionRestoreOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarExpressionSequenceOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarExpressionSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarFunctionReturnType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ScalarSubquery) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaDeclarationItem) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaObjectFunctionTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaObjectName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaObjectNameOrValueExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaObjectNameSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaObjectResultSetDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SchemaPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SearchedCaseExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SearchedWhenClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SearchPropertyListAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SearchPropertyListFullTextIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecondaryRoleReplicaOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityElement80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityPrincipal) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityStatementBody80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityTargetObject) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityTargetObjectName) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SecurityUserClause80) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectFunctionReturnType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectInsertSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectiveXmlIndexPromotedPath) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectScalarExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectSetVariable) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectStarExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SelectStatementSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SemanticTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SendStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SequenceOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SequenceStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ServerAuditStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ServiceContract) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SessionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SessionTimeoutPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetCommand) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetCommandStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetErrorLevelStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetFipsFlaggerCommand) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetIdentityInsertStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetOffsetsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetOnOffStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetRowCountStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetSearchPropertyListAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetStatisticsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetStopListAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetTextSizeStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetTransactionIsolationLevelStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetUserStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SetVariableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ShutdownStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SignatureStatementBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SimpleAlterFullTextIndexAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SimpleCaseExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SimpleWhenClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SizeFileDeclarationOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SoapMethod) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SourceDeclaration) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SpatialIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SpatialIndexRegularOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SqlCommandIdentifier) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SqlDataTypeReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StateAuditOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StatementList) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StatementListSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StatementWithCtesAndXmlNamespaces) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StatisticsOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StopListFullTextIndexOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StopRestoreOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(StringLiteral) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SubqueryComparisonPredicate) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(SymmetricKeyStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableDataCompressionOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableHintsOptimizerHint) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableReferenceWithAlias) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableReferenceWithAliasAndColumns) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableSampleClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TableValuedFunctionReturnType) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TargetDeclaration) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TargetRecoveryTimeDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TextModificationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ThrowStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TopRowFilter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TransactionStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TriggerAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TriggerObject) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TriggerOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TriggerStatementBody) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TruncateTableStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TryCastCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TryCatchStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TryConvertCall) Determines the explicit visitor for TryConvertCall object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TryParseCall) Determines the explicit visitor for TryParseCall object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSEqualCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSqlBatch) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSqlFragmentSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSqlScript) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSqlStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(TSqlStatementSnippet) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UnaryExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UniqueConstraintDefinition) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UnpivotedTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UnqualifiedJoin) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateCall) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateDeleteSpecificationBase) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateForClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateMergeAction) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateSpecification) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateStatisticsStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UpdateTextStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UseFederationStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserDataTypeReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserDefinedTypeCallTarget) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserDefinedTypePropertyAccess) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserLoginOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserRemoteServiceBindingOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UserStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(UseStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ValueExpression) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ValuesInsertSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(VariableMethodCallTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(VariableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(VariableTableReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(VariableValuePair) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ViewOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(ViewStatementBody) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WaitForStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WaitForSupportedStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WhenClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WhereClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WhileStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WindowDelimiter) Determines the explicit visitor for WindowDelimiter object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WindowFrameClause) Determines the explicit visitor for WindowFrameClause object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WindowsCreateLoginSource) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WithCtesAndXmlNamespaces) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WithinGroupClause) Determines the explicit visitor for WithinGroupClause object.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WitnessDatabaseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WorkloadGroupImportanceParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WorkloadGroupParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WorkloadGroupResourceParameter) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WorkloadGroupStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WriteTextStatement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(WsdlPayloadOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlDataTypeReference) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlForClause) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlForClauseOption) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlNamespaces) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlNamespacesAliasElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlNamespacesDefaultElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.
公共方法 ExplicitVisit(XmlNamespacesElement) Calls the Visit method for the specified type of fragment.




TSqlFragmentVisitor 类

Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom 命名空间