TSqlTokenType 枚举
Specifies the token type.
命名空间: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom
程序集: Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom.dll 中)
Public Enumeration TSqlTokenType
Dim instance As TSqlTokenType
public enum TSqlTokenType
public enum class TSqlTokenType
type TSqlTokenType
public enum TSqlTokenType
成员名称 | 说明 | |
Add | The token type is Add. | |
AddEquals | The token type is AddEquals. | |
All | The token type is All. | |
Alter | The token type is Alter. | |
Ampersand | The token type is Ampersand. | |
And | The token type is And. | |
Any | The token type is Any. | |
As | The token type is As. | |
Asc | The token type is Asc. | |
AsciiStringLiteral | The token type is AsciiStringLiteral. | |
AsciiStringOrQuotedIdentifier | The token type is AsciiStringOrQuotedIdentifier. | |
Authorization | The token type is Authorization. | |
Backup | The token type is Backup. | |
Bang | The token type is Bang. | |
Begin | The token type is Begin. | |
Between | The token type is Between. | |
BitwiseAndEquals | The token type is BitwiseAndEquals. | |
BitwiseOrEquals | The token type is BitwiseOrEquals. | |
BitwiseXorEquals | The token type is BitwiseXorEquals. | |
Break | The token type is Break. | |
Browse | The token type is Browse. | |
Bulk | The token type is Bulk. | |
By | The token type is By. | |
Cascade | The token type is Cascade. | |
Case | The token type is Case. | |
Check | The token type is Check. | |
Checkpoint | The token type is Checkpoint. | |
Circumflex | The token type is Circumflex. | |
Close | The token type is Close. | |
Clustered | The token type is Clustered. | |
Coalesce | The token type is Coalesce. | |
Collate | The token type is Collate. | |
Colon | The token type is Colon. | |
Column | The token type is Column. | |
Comma | The token type is Comma. | |
Commit | The token type is Commit. | |
Compute | The token type is Compute. | |
Constraint | The token type is Constraint. | |
Contains | The token type is Contains. | |
ContainsTable | The token type is ContainsTable. | |
Continue | The token type is Continue. | |
Convert | The token type is Convert. | |
Create | The token type is Create. | |
Cross | The token type is Cross. | |
Current | The token type is Current. | |
CurrentDate | The token type is CurrentDate. | |
CurrentTime | The token type is CurrentTime. | |
CurrentTimestamp | The token type is CurrentTimestamp. | |
CurrentUser | The token type is CurrentUser. | |
Cursor | The token type is Cursor. | |
Database | The token type is Database. | |
Dbcc | The token type is Dbcc. | |
Deallocate | The token type is Deallocate. | |
Declare | The token type is Declare. | |
Default | The token type is Default. | |
Delete | The token type is Delete. | |
Deny | The token type is Deny. | |
Desc | The token type is Desc. | |
Disk | The token type is Disk. | |
Distinct | The token type is Distinct. | |
Distributed | The token type is Distributed. | |
Divide | The token type is Divide. | |
DivideEquals | The token type is DivideEquals. | |
DollarPartition | The token type is DollarPartition. | |
Dot | The token type is Dot. | |
Double | The token type is Double. | |
DoubleColon | The token type is DoubleColon. | |
Drop | The token type is Drop. | |
Dump | The token type is Dump. | |
Else | The token type is Else. | |
End | The token type is End. | |
EndOfFile | The token type is EndOfFile. | |
EqualsSign | The token type is EqualsSign. | |
Errlvl | The token type is Errlvl. | |
Escape | The token type is Escape. | |
Except | The token type is Except. | |
Exec | The token type is Exec. | |
Execute | The token type is Execute. | |
Exists | The token type is Exists. | |
Exit | The token type is Exit. | |
External | The token type is External. | |
Fetch | The token type is Fetch. | |
File | The token type is File. | |
FillFactor | The token type is FillFactor. | |
For | The token type is For. | |
Foreign | The token type is Foreign. | |
FreeText | The token type is FreeText. | |
FreeTextTable | The token type is FreeTextTable. | |
From | The token type is From. | |
Full | The token type is Full. | |
Function | The token type is Function. | |
Go | The token type is Go. | |
GoTo | The token type is GoTo. | |
Grant | The token type is Grant. | |
GreaterThan | The token type is GreaterThan. | |
Group | The token type is Group. | |
Having | The token type is Having. | |
HexLiteral | The token type is HexLiteral. | |
HoldLock | The token type is HoldLock. | |
Identifier | The token type is Identifier. | |
Identity | The token type is Identity. | |
IdentityColumn | The token type is IdentityColumn. | |
IdentityInsert | The token type is IdentityInsert. | |
If | The token type is If. | |
In | The token type is In. | |
Index | The token type is Index. | |
Inner | The token type is Inner. | |
Insert | The token type is Insert. | |
Integer | The token type is Integer. | |
Intersect | The token type is Intersect. | |
Into | The token type is Into. | |
Is | The token type is Is. | |
Join | The token type is Join. | |
Key | The token type is Key. | |
Kill | The token type is Kill. | |
Label | The token type is Label. | |
Left | The token type is Left. | |
LeftCurly | The token type is LeftCurly. | |
LeftParenthesis | The token type is LeftParenthesis. | |
LessThan | The token type is LessThan. | |
Like | The token type is Like. | |
LineNo | The token type is LineNo. | |
Load | The token type is Load. | |
Merge | The token type is Merge. | |
Minus | The token type is Minus. | |
ModEquals | The token type is ModEquals. | |
Money | The token type is Money. | |
MultilineComment | The token type is MultilineComment. | |
MultiplyEquals | The token type is MultiplyEquals. | |
National | The token type is National. | |
NoCheck | The token type is NoCheck. | |
NonClustered | The token type is NonClustered. | |
None | The token type is None. | |
Not | The token type is Not. | |
Null | The token type is Null. | |
NullIf | The token type is NullIf. | |
Numeric | The token type is Numeric. | |
OdbcInitiator | The token type is OdbcInitiator. | |
Of | The token type is Of. | |
Off | The token type is Off. | |
Offsets | The token type is Offsets. | |
On | The token type is On. | |
Open | The token type is Open. | |
OpenDataSource | The token type is OpenDataSource. | |
OpenQuery | The token type is OpenQuery. | |
OpenRowSet | The token type is OpenRowSet. | |
OpenXml | The token type is OpenXml. | |
Option | The token type is Option. | |
Or | The token type is Or. | |
Order | The token type is Order. | |
Outer | The token type is Outer. | |
Over | The token type is Over. | |
Percent | The token type is Percent. | |
PercentSign | The token type is PercentSign. | |
Pivot | The token type is Pivot. | |
Plan | The token type is Plan. | |
Plus | The token type is Plus. | |
Precision | The token type is Precision. | |
Primary | The token type is Primary. | |
The token type is Print. | ||
Proc | The token type is Proc. | |
Procedure | The token type is Procedure. | |
ProcNameSemicolon | The token type is ProcNameSemicolon. | |
PseudoColumn | The token type is PseudoColumn. | |
Public | The token type is Public. | |
QuotedIdentifier | The token type is QuotedIdentifier. | |
Raiserror | The token type is Raiserror. | |
Read | The token type is Read. | |
ReadText | The token type is ReadText. | |
Real | The token type is Real. | |
Reconfigure | The token type is Reconfigure. | |
References | The token type is References. | |
Replication | The token type is Replication. | |
Restore | The token type is Restore. | |
Restrict | The token type is Restrict. | |
Return | The token type is Return. | |
Revert | The token type is Revert. | |
Revoke | The token type is Revoke. | |
Right | The token type is Right. | |
RightCurly | The token type is RightCurly. | |
RightOuterJoin | The token type is RightOuterJoin. | |
RightParenthesis | The token type is RightParenthesis. | |
Rollback | The token type is Rollback. | |
RowCount | The token type is RowCount. | |
RowGuidColumn | The token type is RowGuidColumn. | |
Rule | The token type is Rule. | |
Save | The token type is Save. | |
Schema | The token type is Schema. | |
Select | The token type is Select. | |
SemanticKeyPhraseTable | The token type is SemanticKeyPhraseTable. | |
SemanticSimilarityDetailsTable | The token type is SemanticSimilarityDetailsTable. | |
SemanticSimilarityTable | The token type is SemanticSimilarityTable. | |
Semicolon | The token type is Semicolon. | |
SessionUser | The token type is SessionUser. | |
Set | The token type is Set. | |
SetUser | The token type is SetUser. | |
Shutdown | The token type is Shutdown. | |
SingleLineComment | The token type is SingleLineComment. | |
Some | The token type is Some. | |
SqlCommandIdentifier | The token type is SqlCommandIdentifier. | |
Star | The token type is Star. | |
Statistics | The token type is Statistics. | |
StopList | The token type is StopList. | |
SubtractEquals | The token type is SubtractEquals. | |
SystemUser | The token type is SystemUser. | |
Table | The token type is Table. | |
TableSample | The token type is TableSample. | |
TextSize | The token type is TextSize. | |
Then | The token type is Then. | |
Tilde | The token type is Tilde. | |
To | The token type is To. | |
Top | The token type is Top. | |
Tran | The token type is Tran. | |
Transaction | The token type is Transaction. | |
Trigger | The token type is Trigger. | |
Truncate | The token type is Truncate. | |
TryConvert | The token type is TryConvert. | |
TSEqual | The token type is TSEqual. | |
UnicodeStringLiteral | The token type is UnicodeStringLiteral. | |
Union | The token type is Union. | |
Unique | The token type is Unique. | |
Unpivot | The token type is Unpivot. | |
Update | The token type is Update. | |
UpdateText | The token type is UpdateText. | |
Use | The token type is Use. | |
User | The token type is User. | |
Values | The token type is Values. | |
Variable | The token type is Variable. | |
Varying | The token type is Varying. | |
VerticalLine | The token type is VerticalLine. | |
View | The token type is View. | |
WaitFor | The token type is WaitFor. | |
When | The token type is When. | |
Where | The token type is Where. | |
While | The token type is While. | |
WhiteSpace | The token type is WhiteSpace. | |
With | The token type is With. | |
WriteText | The token type is WriteText. |