PackageRemote32Class 类

此 API 支持 SQL Server 2012 基础结构,但不能通过代码直接使用。

Represents a class for a remote 32-bit package.



命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll 中)


<GuidAttribute("8E85FCC2-8900-4649-B56F-72433578FEC4")> _
<ClassInterfaceAttribute(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
Public Class PackageRemote32Class _
    Implements PackageRemote32, IDTSPackage100, IDTSPackageSigning100, IDTSContainer100,  _
    IDTSExecutable100, IDTSEventsProvider100, IDTSExecutionMetrics100, IDTSSequence100, IDTSPropertiesProvider100,  _
    IDTSName100, IDTSBreakpointSite100, IDTSSuspend100, IDTSPersist100, IDTSRuntimeObject100,  _
Dim instance As PackageRemote32Class
public class PackageRemote32Class : PackageRemote32, 
    IDTSPackage100, IDTSPackageSigning100, IDTSContainer100, IDTSExecutable100, IDTSEventsProvider100, 
    IDTSExecutionMetrics100, IDTSSequence100, IDTSPropertiesProvider100, IDTSName100, IDTSBreakpointSite100, 
    IDTSSuspend100, IDTSPersist100, IDTSRuntimeObject100, IDTSProjectPackage100
public ref class PackageRemote32Class : PackageRemote32, 
    IDTSPackage100, IDTSPackageSigning100, IDTSContainer100, IDTSExecutable100, IDTSEventsProvider100, 
    IDTSExecutionMetrics100, IDTSSequence100, IDTSPropertiesProvider100, IDTSName100, IDTSBreakpointSite100, 
    IDTSSuspend100, IDTSPersist100, IDTSRuntimeObject100, IDTSProjectPackage100
type PackageRemote32Class =  
        interface PackageRemote32 
        interface IDTSPackage100 
        interface IDTSPackageSigning100 
        interface IDTSContainer100 
        interface IDTSExecutable100 
        interface IDTSEventsProvider100 
        interface IDTSExecutionMetrics100 
        interface IDTSSequence100 
        interface IDTSPropertiesProvider100 
        interface IDTSName100 
        interface IDTSBreakpointSite100 
        interface IDTSSuspend100 
        interface IDTSPersist100 
        interface IDTSRuntimeObject100 
        interface IDTSProjectPackage100 
public class PackageRemote32Class implements PackageRemote32, IDTSPackage100, IDTSPackageSigning100, IDTSContainer100, IDTSExecutable100, IDTSEventsProvider100, IDTSExecutionMetrics100, IDTSSequence100, IDTSPropertiesProvider100, IDTSName100, IDTSBreakpointSite100, IDTSSuspend100, IDTSPersist100, IDTSRuntimeObject100, IDTSProjectPackage100

PackageRemote32Class 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 PackageRemote32Class 基础结构。Initializes a new instance of the PackageRemote32Class class.



  名称 说明
公共属性 CertificateContext 基础结构。Gets or sets the context of the certificate associated with the package.
公共属性 CertificateObject 基础结构。Gets or sets the certificate object associated with the package.
公共属性 CheckpointFileName 基础结构。Gets or sets the name of the file that captures the checkpoint information, which enables a package to restart.
公共属性 CheckpointUsage 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that specifies if or when a package is restarted.
公共属性 CheckSignatureOnLoad 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the digital signature is checked when a package is loaded.
公共属性 Configurations 基础结构。Gets the collection of configurations for the package.
公共属性 Connections 基础结构。Gets the collection of connection managers for the package.
公共属性 CreationDate 基础结构。Gets or sets the date and time that the package was created.
公共属性 CreationName 基础结构。Gets the name used to create the PackageRemote32Class object.
公共属性 CreatorComputerName 基础结构。Gets or sets the name of the computer on which the package was created.
公共属性 CreatorName 基础结构。Gets or sets the name of the individual who created the package.
公共属性 DebugMode 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package is in debug mode.
公共属性 DelayValidation 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether package validation is delayed until the package runs.
公共属性 Description 基础结构。Gets or sets the description of the package.
公共属性 DesignEvents 基础结构。Gets or sets an IDTSEvents100 that indicates if the designer or other third-party client is to receive events during design time.
公共属性 DesignTimeProperties 基础结构。Gets or sets the design time properties of a package such as layout information.
公共属性 Disable 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the PackageRemote32Class object is disabled.
公共属性 DisableEventHandlers 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the event handlers on the package are disabled.
公共属性 EnableConfigurations 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package loads configurations.
公共属性 EncryptCheckpoints 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the checkpoint files are encrypted.
公共属性 Errors 基础结构。Gets the collection of errors associated with the package.
公共属性 EventHandlers 基础结构。Gets a collection of event handler objects.
公共属性 EventInfos 基础结构。Gets the IDTSEventInfos100 collection that is associated with the package.
公共属性 Executables 基础结构。Gets the collection of executable objects contained within the package.
公共属性 ExecutionDuration 基础结构。Gets the amount of time that the package spent in execution, in milliseconds.
公共属性 ExecutionResult 基础结构。Gets a value that indicates the success or failure of the execution of the package.
公共属性 ExecutionStatus 基础结构。Gets the current status of the execution.
公共属性 ExtendedProperties 基础结构。Gets the IDTSExtendedProperties100 collection for the package.
公共属性 FailPackageOnFailure 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package fails when a task or component in the package fails.
公共属性 FailParentOnFailure 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the parent package fails when a child package fails.
公共属性 ForcedExecutionValue 基础结构。If the ForceExecutionValue property is set to true, gets or sets a value that specifies the optional execution value that the package returns.
公共属性 ForceExecutionResult 基础结构。Gets or sets a DTSForcedExecResult enumeration value that specifies the forced execution result of the package.
公共属性 ForceExecutionValue 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the execution value of the package should be forced to contain a particular value.
公共属性 ID 基础结构。Gets the ID of the package.
公共属性 IDTSPackageSigning100_CertificateContext 基础结构。Gets or sets the certificate context.
公共属性 IDTSPackageSigning100_CertificateObject 基础结构。Gets or sets the certificate object.
公共属性 IDTSPackageSigning100_CheckSignatureOnLoad 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package checks the signature on loading.
公共属性 IDTSSuspend100_SuspendRequired 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the task should suspend when they encounter a breakpoint.
公共属性 InteractiveMode 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the tasks should show user interface objects while executing.
公共属性 IsDefaultLocaleID 基础结构。Gets a value that indicates whether the package uses the default locale.
公共属性 IsolationLevel 基础结构。Gets or sets the isolation level of the transaction in the package.
公共属性 LastModifiedProductVersion 基础结构。Gets the product version of the last modified package.
公共属性 LocaleID 基础结构。Gets or sets the identifier of the locale used by a package.
公共属性 LogEntryInfos 基础结构。Gets a collection of log entry definitions.
公共属性 LoggingMode 基础结构。Gets or sets the logging mode of the package.
公共属性 LoggingOptions 基础结构。Gets the filtering and logging resource for the package.
公共属性 LogProviders 基础结构。Gets the collection of log providers associated with the package.
公共属性 MaxConcurrentExecutables 基础结构。Gets or sets the number of threads that a package can create.
公共属性 MaximumErrorCount 基础结构。Gets or sets the maximum number of errors that can occur before the package stops running.
公共属性 Name 基础结构。Gets or sets the name of the PackageRemote32Class.
公共属性 OfflineMode 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package is working in offline mode.
公共属性 PackageFormatVersion 基础结构。Gets the format version of the package.
公共属性 PackageLocation 基础结构。Gets the location of the package.
公共属性 PackagePassword 基础结构。Sets the password for the package.
公共属性 PackagePriorityClass 基础结构。Gets or sets the Win32 thread priority class of the package thread.
公共属性 PackageType 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that identifies the tool that created the package.
公共属性 PackageUpgradeOptions 基础结构。Gets or sets the upgrade options for the package.
公共属性 Parent 基础结构。Gets the parent of the package.
公共属性 PrecedenceConstraints 基础结构。Gets a collection of precedence constraints for the package.
公共属性 Properties 基础结构。Gets a collection of properties for the package.
公共属性 ProtectionLevel 基础结构。Gets or sets the level of protection on the package.
公共属性 SafeRecursiveProjectPackageExecution 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether recursive execution of the package is safe.
公共属性 SaveCheckpoints 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the package will use checkpoints during package execution.
公共属性 SQLFolder 基础结构。Gets or sets the SQL folder for the package.
公共属性 StartTime 基础结构。Gets the time when the package starts execution.
公共属性 StopTime 基础结构。Gets the time when the package stops execution.
公共属性 SuppressConfigurationWarnings 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the warnings generated by configurations are suppressed.
公共属性 SuspendRequired 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the tasks should suspend when they encounter a breakpoint.
公共属性 TransactionOption 基础结构。Gets or sets a DTSTransactionOption enumeration value that indicates whether the package participates in transactions.
公共属性 UpdateObjects 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the extensible objects can be updated at package load time if an updated version is found.
公共属性 UpdatePackage 基础结构。Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the packages can be updated when an updated version is found.
公共属性 VariableDispenser 基础结构。Gets the dispenser of the variables in the package.
公共属性 Variables 基础结构。Gets a collection that contains the variables associated with the package.
公共属性 VersionBuild 基础结构。Gets or sets the build version of the package.
公共属性 VersionComments 基础结构。Gets or sets the version comments associated with the package.
公共属性 VersionGUID 基础结构。Gets the version GUID generated when the package is first created.
公共属性 VersionMajor 基础结构。Gets or sets the major build version of the package.
公共属性 VersionMinor 基础结构。Gets or sets the minor build version of the package.
公共属性 Warnings 基础结构。Gets the collection of warnings set on the package.



  名称 说明
公共方法 AcceptBreakpointManager 基础结构。Passes a breakpoint manager to a package.
公共方法 CheckSignature 基础结构。Checks the status of the digital signature of the package.
公共方法 ComputeExpressions 基础结构。Computes the expression of this PackageRemote32Class object.
公共方法 Equals (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Execute() Returns a DTSExecResult enumeration that contains information about the success or failure of the package execution.
公共方法 Execute(IDTSConnections100, IDTSVariables100, IDTSEvents100, IDTSLogging100, Object) 基础结构。Runs the application, container, or package as part of a package workflow.
公共方法 ExportConfigurationFile 基础结构。Creates an XML file that contains all deployable variables in the package.
受保护方法 Finalize (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 FindReferencedObjects 基础结构。Returns a reference object enumeration.
公共方法 GetBreakpointTargets 基础结构。Returns an IDTSBreakpointTargets100 collection. Depending on the setting of the onlyEnabled parameter, the collection contains all breakpoint targets in the package, or only enabled breakpoint targets.
公共方法 GetExpression 基础结构。Returns a value that contains the expression for the specified property.
公共方法 GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetObjectFromPackagePath 基础结构。Returns an object from the specified package path.
公共方法 GetParentID 基础结构。Retrieves the parent identifier of the package.
公共方法 GetPreExecutionPackageXML 基础结构。Retrieves the pre-execution of a package XML.
公共方法 GetProject 基础结构。Retrieves the DTS project.
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 IDTSExecutable100_Execute 基础结构。Executes the executable.
公共方法 IDTSExecutable100_Validate 基础结构。Verifies that the executable will successfully execute by validating all its dependencies and other items before executing it.
公共方法 IDTSPackageSigning100_CheckSignature 基础结构。Checks the signature of the package.
公共方法 IDTSPackageSigning100_LoadUserCertificateByHash 基础结构。Loads the user certificate using hash.
公共方法 IDTSPackageSigning100_LoadUserCertificateByName 基础结构。Loads the user certificate by name.
公共方法 IDTSSuspend100_ResumeExecution 基础结构。Resumes the execution of the task after pausing.
公共方法 IDTSSuspend100_SuspendExecution 基础结构。Notifies that the executable needs to suspend.
公共方法 ImportConfigurationFile 基础结构。Loads a configuration file associated with the package.
公共方法 LoadFromXML 基础结构。Loads a package and all its objects that have been saved to memory in XML format.
公共方法 LoadUserCertificateByHash 基础结构。Loads the user certificate using hash.
公共方法 LoadUserCertificateByName 基础结构。Loads the user certificate by name.
受保护方法 MemberwiseClone (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 PasswordMatch 基础结构。Determines whether the specified password matches with the package password.
公共方法 PermitUnencryptedSave 基础结构。Permits the unencrypted information to save.
公共方法 ProcessConfiguration 基础结构。Specifies the configuration information for a package and its objects.
公共方法 RegenerateID 基础结构。Creates a new GUID for the package and updates the package ID property.
公共方法 ResumeExecution 基础结构。Resumes the execution of the package after pausing.
公共方法 SaveToXML 基础结构。Saves the package to memory in an XML format.
公共方法 SetExpression 基础结构。Assigns the specified expression to the property.
公共方法 SetProject 基础结构。Sets the specified project.
公共方法 SuspendExecution 基础结构。Called when the executable needs to suspend. This method is called by the runtime engine.
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Validate 基础结构。Allows the package to determine if it contains invalid settings that will prevent it from executing successfully.



此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。



Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper 命名空间