关于 ProductModel.Instructions xml 列

ProductModel 表中的 Instructions 列将生产说明存储为 XML 文档。这些文档是使用 Microsoft Word .NET 创建的。

每个 XML 文档包含有关生产特定产品型号的完整说明。但是,每个产品型号可以包括若干种产品。例如,Road 450 是一个自行车产品型号。此产品型号中包括若干种自行车,例如 Road 450 Red 25Road 450 Green 48。同一产品型号的不同自行车的主要区别在于颜色和尺寸。

例如,HH Mountain Frame、LL Mountain Frame 和 ML Mountain Frame 是具有唯一产品 ID 的特定产品,但都是山地自行车框架产品型号中的框架类型。

Product 表中的 ProductID 列可标识每个产品。Product 中的 ProductModelID 列可标识产品所属的产品型号。

在生成过程中,产品将从一个生产车间进入另一个生产车间,XML 文档说明了每个生产车间的生产步骤。在说明生产步骤时,工具、物料、设计图和关系图都用 XML 标记括了起来。因此,您可以查询标记。例如,可以使用 XQuery 来查找生产山地自行车时使用的所有工具。

这是一个已类型化的 xml 列。可以在此 Microsoft 网站上查看用于此列的架构。此列使用 AdventureWorksProductModelManuInstructions XML 架构。

示例 XML 实例

以下是存储在 ProductModel.Instructions 列中的示例 XML 实例:

<root xmlns="https://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions">
  Adventure Works CyclesFR-210B Instructions for Manufacturing HL Touring FrameSummaryThis document contains manufacturing instructions for manufacturing the HL Touring Frame, Product Model 7. Instructions are work center specific and are identified by Work Center ID. These instructions must be followed in the order presented. Deviation from the instructions is not permitted unless an authorized Change Order detailing the deviation is provided by the Engineering Manager. 
<Location LaborHours="2.5" LotSize="100" MachineHours="3" 
          SetupHours="0.5" LocationID="10">
  Work Center - 10 Frame FormingThe following instructions pertain to Work Center 10. (Setup hours = .5, Labor Hours = 2.5, Machine Hours = 3, Lot Sizing = 100) 
  <step>Insert <material>aluminum sheet MS-2341</material> into the 
  <tool>T-85A framing tool</tool>.</step>
  <step>Attach <tool>Trim Jig TJ-26</tool> to the upper and lower right corners of the aluminum sheet. </step>
  <step>Using a <tool>router with a carbide tip 15</tool> 
  , route the aluminum sheet following the jig carefully. </step>
  <step>Insert the frame into <tool>Forming Tool FT-15</tool> and press Start. </step>
  <step> When finished, inspect the forms for defects per Inspection Specification <specs>INFS-111</specs>.</step>
  <step>Remove the frames from the tool and place them in the Completed or Rejected bin as appropriate.</step> 
<Location LaborHours="1.75" LotSize="1" MachineHours="2" SetupHours="0.15" LocationID="20">
  Work Center 20 - Frame WeldingThe following instructions pertain to Work Center 20. (Setup hours = .15, Labor Hours = 1.75, Machine Hours = 2, Lot Sizing = 1) 
  <step>Assemble all frame components following blueprint 
  <blueprint>1299</blueprint> . </step>
  <step>Weld all frame components together as shown in illustration 
  <diag>3</diag> </step>
  <step>Inspect all weld joints per Adventure Works Cycles Inspection Specification <specs>INFS-208</specs> . </step>
<Location LaborHours="1" LotSize="1" LocationID="30">
  Work Center 30 - Debur and PolishThe following instructions pertain to Work Center 30. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 1, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) 
  <step>Using the <tool>standard debur tool</tool> , remove all excess material from weld areas. </step>
  <step>Using <material>Acme Polish Cream</material> , polish all weld areas. </step>
<Location LaborHours="0.5" LotSize="20" MachineHours="0.65" LocationID="45">
  Work Center 45 - Specialized PaintThe following instructions pertain to Work Center 45. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = .5, Machine Hours = .65, Lot Sizing = 20) 
  <step>Attach <material>a maximum of 20 frames</material> 
  to <tool>paint harness</tool> ensuring frames are not touching. 
  <step>Mix <material>primer PA-529S</material>. Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering spec 
  <specs>AWC-501</specs>. </step>
  <step>Apply thin coat of primer to all surfaces.</step> 
  <step>After 30 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, lightly sand all surfaces. Remove all surface debris with compressed air.</step> 
  <step>Mix <material>paint</material> per manufacturer instructions. </step>
  <step>Test spray pattern on sample area and correct flow and pattern as required per engineering spec <specs>AWC-509</specs>.</step>
  <step>Apply thin coat of paint to all surfaces.</step> 
  <step>After 60 minutes, touch test for dryness. If dry to touch, reapply second coat.</step> 
  <step> Allow paint to cure for 24 hours and inspect per <specs>AWC-5015</specs> . </step>
<Location LaborHours="3" LotSize="1" SetupHours="0.25" LocationID="50">
  Work Center 50 - SubAssembly The following instructions pertain to Work Center 50. (Setup hours = .25, Labor Hours = 3, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) 
  <step>Add Seat Assembly.</step> 
  <step>Add Brake assembly.</step> 
  <step>Add Wheel Assembly.</step> 
  <step>Inspect Front Derailleur.</step> 
  <step>Inspect Rear Derailleur.</step> 
<Location LaborHours="4" LotSize="1" LocationID="60">
  Work Center 60 - Final Assembly The following instructions pertain to Work Center 60. (Setup hours = 0, Labor Hours = 4, Machine Hours = 0, Lot Sizing = 1) 
<step>Perform final inspection per engineering specification 
  <specs>AWC-915</specs>. </step>
  <step>Complete all required certification forms.</step> 
  <step>Move to shipping.</step> 

运行以下查询可以找到其他 XML 实例:

SELECT Instructions
FROM   Production.ProductModel

