RegisteredSubscriber 类

Represents a Subscriber that has been registered at a Publisher or a Distributor.


System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication. . :: . .ReplicationObject

命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll 中)


Public NotInheritable Class RegisteredSubscriber _
    Inherits ReplicationObject
Dim instance As RegisteredSubscriber
public sealed class RegisteredSubscriber : ReplicationObject
public ref class RegisteredSubscriber sealed : public ReplicationObject
type RegisteredSubscriber =  
        inherit ReplicationObject
public final class RegisteredSubscriber extends ReplicationObject

RegisteredSubscriber 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 RegisteredSubscriber() () () () Creates a new instance of the RegisteredSubscriber class.
公共方法 RegisteredSubscriber(String, ServerConnection) Creates a new instance of the RegisteredSubscriber class with the specified name and specified connection to the Publisher.
公共方法 RegisteredSubscriber(String, ServerConnection, String, String) Creates a new instance of the RegisteredSubscriber class with the specified name, the specified connection to the distribution Publisher, the specified distribution Publisher, and the distribution database.



  名称 说明
公共属性 CachePropertyChanges Gets or sets whether to cache changes made to the replication properties or to apply them immediately. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共属性 ConnectionContext Gets or sets the connection to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultDistributionSchedule Gets the default schedule to be assigned to the Distribution Agent if it is not specified.
公共属性 DefaultMergeSchedule Gets the default schedule to be assigned to the Merge Agent if it is not specified.
公共属性 Description Gets or sets a textual description of the object.
公共属性 DistributionDatabase Gets or sets the name of the distribution database that the distribution Publisher uses.
公共属性 DistributionPublisher Gets or sets the name of the distribution Publisher to which the Subscriber is registered.
公共属性 IsExistingObject Gets whether the object exists on the server or not. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共属性 Name Gets or sets the name of the registered Subscriber.
公共属性 SqlServerName Gets the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance to which this object is connected. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共属性 SubscriberSecurity Gets a security context that is used by the Distribution Agent or the Merge Agent to connect to this registered Subscriber.
公共属性 Type Gets or sets the type of Subscriber.
公共属性 UserData Gets or sets an object property that allows users to attach their own data to the object. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)



  名称 说明
受保护方法 CheckValidCreation 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
受保护方法 CheckValidDefinition 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 CommitPropertyChanges Sends all the cached property change statements to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 Create Registers the Subscriber at the specified Publisher or Distributor.
公共方法 Decouple Decouples the referenced replication object from the server. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 Equals (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 Finalize (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 GetChangeCommand 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetCreateCommand 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
受保护方法 GetDropCommand 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 InternalRefresh 基础结构。 (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 Load Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 LoadProperties Loads the properties of an existing object from the server. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
受保护方法 MemberwiseClone (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Refresh Reloads the properties of the object. (从 ReplicationObject 继承。)
公共方法 Remove Removes the Subscriber registration represented by the object.
公共方法 Script Returns a string containing a Transact-SQL creation or deletion script for the Microsoft SQL Server registered Subscriber on the server computer that the object represents.
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)



In Microsoft SQL Server 2005, it is no longer required to explicitly register a Subscriber at the Publisher. The RegisteredSubscriber class is provided for backward compatibility with previous versions of SQL Server.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Microsoft Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。