ServerSetupAdapter 类

A ServerSetupAdapter object represents a server setup adapter.


System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. . :: . .ServerAdapterBase

命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll 中)


Public Class ServerSetupAdapter _
    Inherits ServerAdapterBase _
    Implements IDmfAdapter, IServerSetupFacet, IDmfFacet
Dim instance As ServerSetupAdapter
public class ServerSetupAdapter : ServerAdapterBase, 
    IDmfAdapter, IServerSetupFacet, IDmfFacet
public ref class ServerSetupAdapter : public ServerAdapterBase, 
    IDmfAdapter, IServerSetupFacet, IDmfFacet
type ServerSetupAdapter =  
        inherit ServerAdapterBase
        interface IDmfAdapter
        interface IServerSetupFacet
        interface IDmfFacet
public class ServerSetupAdapter extends ServerAdapterBase implements IDmfAdapter, IServerSetupFacet, IDmfFacet

ServerSetupAdapter 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 ServerSetupAdapter Initializes a new instance of the ServerSetupAdapter object.



  名称 说明
公共属性 AdHocRemoteQueriesEnabled Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 Affinity64IOMask Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 Affinity64Mask Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 AffinityIOMask Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 AffinityMask Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 AgentDomainGroup Gets or sets the domain group for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 AgentServiceAccount Gets or sets the SQL Server Agent service account.
公共属性 AgentStartMode Gets or sets the start mode for the SQL Server Agent service.
公共属性 AgentXPsEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 AllowUpdates Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 AweEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 BackupDirectory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 BlockedProcessThreshold Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 BrowserServiceAccount Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 BrowserStartMode Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 C2AuditTracingEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ClrIntegrationEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 Collation Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 CommonCriteriaComplianceEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 CostThresholdForParallelism Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 CrossDBOwnershipChainingEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 CursorThreshold Gets or sets the Int32 value that determines the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DatabaseMailEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultBackupCompressionEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultFile Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultFullTextLanguage Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultLanguage Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultLog Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DefaultTraceEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DisallowResultsFromTriggers (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 DynamicLocks Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 EngineServiceAccount
公共属性 ExtensibleKeyManagementEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FilestreamAccessLevel Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FilestreamLevel Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FilestreamShareName Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FillFactor Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FullTextCrawlBandwidthMax Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FullTextCrawlBandwidthMin Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FullTextCrawlRangeMax (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FullTextNotifyBandwidthMax Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 FullTextNotifyBandwidthMin Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 IndexCreateMemory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 InDoubtTransactionResolution Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 InstallDataDirectory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 InstallSharedDirectory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 InstanceName Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 LightweightPoolingEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 LoginAuditLevel Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 LoginMode Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MaxServerMemory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MaxWorkerThreads Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MediaRetention Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MinMemoryPerQuery Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 MinServerMemory Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 NamedPipesEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 NestedTriggersEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 NetworkPacketSize Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 OleAutomationEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 OpenObjects Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 OptimizeAdhocWorkloads (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 PrecomputeRank (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 PriorityBoost Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ProtocolHandlerTimeout Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 QueryGovernorCostLimit Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 QueryWait Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RecoveryInterval Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RemoteAccessEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RemoteDacEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RemoteLoginTimeout Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RemoteProcTransEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 RemoteQueryTimeout Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ReplicationMaxTextSize Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ReplicationXPsEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ScanForStartupProcedures Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
受保护属性 Server (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ServerTriggerRecursionEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ServiceInstanceIdSuffix
公共属性 ServiceName Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ServiceStartMode Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 SetWorkingSetSize Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 ShowAdvancedOptions Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 SmoAndDmoXPsEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 SqlDomainGroup Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 SqlMailEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 TcpEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 TempdbLogPath
公共属性 TempdbPrimaryFilePath
公共属性 TransformNoiseWords Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 TwoDigitYearCutoff Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 UserConnections Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 UserInstancesEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 UserInstanceTimeout Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 UserOptions Gets or sets the value of the referenced property. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 WebAssistantEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共属性 WindowsUsersAndGroupsInSysadminRole
公共属性 XPCmdShellEnabled Gets or sets the Boolean value that determines whether the referenced property is enabled. (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)



  名称 说明
公共方法 Alter (从 ServerAdapterBase 继承。)
公共方法 Equals (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 Finalize (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetHashCode (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 GetType (从 Object 继承。)
受保护方法 MemberwiseClone (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 Refresh (覆盖 ServerAdapterBase. . :: . .Refresh() () () ()。)
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)



Thread Safety

此类型的任何公共静态(Microsoft Visual Basic 中的 Shared)成员在多线程操作中是安全的。 不保证所有实例成员都对于线程安全的。 


此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全的。