IServerSetupFacet 接口

Represents the Policy-Based Management facet interface for setting up an instance of SQL Server.

此 API 不符合 CLS。 

命名空间:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
程序集:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll 中)


<DisplayNameKeyAttribute("IServerSetupFacet_Name")> _
<CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> _
<DisplayDescriptionKeyAttribute("IServerSetupFacet_Desc")> _
<EvaluationModeAttribute(AutomatedPolicyEvaluationMode.CheckOnSchedule)> _
<TypeConverterAttribute(GetType(LocalizableTypeConverter))> _
<LocalizedPropertyResourcesAttribute("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LocalizableResources")> _
Public Interface IServerSetupFacet _
    Inherits IDmfFacet
Dim instance As IServerSetupFacet
public interface IServerSetupFacet : IDmfFacet
public interface class IServerSetupFacet : IDmfFacet
type IServerSetupFacet =  
        interface IDmfFacet
public interface IServerSetupFacet extends IDmfFacet

IServerSetupFacet 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共属性 AgentDomainGroup Gets the domain group that is associated with the SQL Server Agent
公共属性 AgentServiceAccount Gets the service account for the SQL Server Agent service.
公共属性 AgentStartMode Gets the start mode for the SQL Server Agent service.
公共属性 BackupDirectory Gets the backup directory for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 BrowserServiceAccount Gets the service account for the SQL Server Browser service.
公共属性 BrowserStartMode Gets the start mode for the SQL Server Browser service.
公共属性 Collation Gets the collation that is used by the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 DefaultFile Gets the default file for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 DefaultLog Gets the default log file for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 EngineServiceAccount
公共属性 FilestreamLevel Gets the file stream level for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 FilestreamShareName Gets the file stream share name for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 InstallDataDirectory Gets the directory for install data.
公共属性 InstallSharedDirectory Gets the directory for shared install information.
公共属性 InstanceName Gets the name of the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 LoginMode Gets the login mode for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 NamedPipesEnabled Gets the Boolean value that determines whether named pipes are enabled on the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 ServiceInstanceIdSuffix Gets the ID suffix for the SQL Server service.
公共属性 ServiceName Gets the service name.
公共属性 ServiceStartMode Gets the start mode for the SQL Server service.
公共属性 SqlDomainGroup Gets the domain group for the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 TcpEnabled Gets the Boolean value that determines whether TCP/IP protocol is enabled on the instance of SQL Server.
公共属性 TempdbLogPath Gets the path for the tempdb database transaction log.
公共属性 TempdbPrimaryFilePath Gets the path for the tempdb database primary data file.
公共属性 UserInstancesEnabled Gets the Boolean value that determines whether user instances are enabled.
公共属性 WindowsUsersAndGroupsInSysadminRole Gets the Windows users and groups that are assigned to the system administrator role.
