Server.EnumWindowsGroupInfo Method

Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.



仅 Microsoft .NET Framework 的 2.0 版本支持此命名空间、类或成员。


名称 Description
Server.EnumWindowsGroupInfo ()
Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumWindowsGroupInfo (String)
Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Server.EnumWindowsGroupInfo (String, Boolean)
Enumerates a list of information about all Microsoft Windows groups that have explicitly granted access to the instance of Microsoft SQL Server and with the option to list the individual members.



Server Class
Server Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace


How to: Use an Enumeration Method that Returns a DataTable Object in Visual Basic .NET
Calling Methods