Detail Property
The Detail property of the Reporting Services SoapException class has the following XML structure:
- Detail
The top-level element that contains all other error detail elements.
- ErrorCode
The Reporting Services-specific error code.
- HttpStatus
The HTTP status code.
- Message
The error message and the error code assigned by the report server.
- HelpLink
The Help link URL to a Web site at which further information about the error can be found. For more information, see HelpLink Element.
- LinkID
Information not available for this release.
- ProductName
The name of the product. The default value is Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
- ProductVersion
The version of Reporting Services. The maximum length is 15 characters. The format of the version number should be as follows: 8.00.0xxx.00.
- ProductLocaleId
The locale ID or language ID of the application's INTL DLL (for example, 0x41A).
- OperatingSystem
The operating system Reporting Services is installed on. Valid values include 0 for operating system independent, 1 for Windows 2000, and 16 for Windows XP.
- CountryLocaleId
The locale ID or language ID of the operating system. For example, the value for the French version of Windows is 0x040c.
- MoreInformation
An XML string that contains nested exceptions that occurred while the method ran.
- Source
A child element of MoreInformation. The source of the error.
- Message
A child element of MoreInformation. The error message of a nested exception. This element includes XML attributes for ErrorCode and HelpLink.
- Warnings
An XML string that contains the warnings returned from report processing.
Reporting Services SoapException Class
Using the Detail Property to Handle Specific Errors
Introducing Exception Handling in Reporting Services