WebPart.PartCommunicationConnect 方法
请注意:此 API 现在已过时。
用于通知 Web 部件它已连接到另一个 Web 部件。
命名空间: Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages
程序集: Microsoft.SharePoint(位于 Microsoft.SharePoint.dll 中)
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use ConnectionProvider or ConnectionConsumer attribute to create ConnectionPoint instead.")> _
Public Overridable Sub PartCommunicationConnect ( _
interfaceName As String, _
connectedPart As WebPart, _
connectedInterfaceName As String, _
runAt As ConnectionRunAt _
Dim instance As WebPart
Dim interfaceName As String
Dim connectedPart As WebPart
Dim connectedInterfaceName As String
Dim runAt As ConnectionRunAt
instance.PartCommunicationConnect(interfaceName, _
connectedPart, connectedInterfaceName, _
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use ConnectionProvider or ConnectionConsumer attribute to create ConnectionPoint instead.")]
public virtual void PartCommunicationConnect(
string interfaceName,
WebPart connectedPart,
string connectedInterfaceName,
ConnectionRunAt runAt
类型:System.String正在连接此 Web 部件上指定接口的名称。
类型:Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart指定要连接到其他 Web 部件WebPart 。
类型:System.String指定在其他 Web 部件连接到接口的名称。
类型:Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication.ConnectionRunAt指定应在运行此 Web 部件上的界面其中一个ConnectionRunAt值。
实现连接接口的 Web 部件应替代PartCommunicationConnect方法。通过 Web 部件基础结构,以通知 Web 部件连接在 Microsoft ASP.NET System.Web.UI.Control.PreRender事件期间调用此方法。相关信息传递给连接 (例如接口的 Web 部件通过连接、 Web 部件正在连接到,和其中部件将运行,客户端或服务器端。
如果正在连接到 Web 部件在另一页上, connectedPart是空引用(无 在 Visual Basic 中)。
本示例使用Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPEncode类,因为它需要using指令 (在 Visual Basic 中的Imports ) Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities命名空间。
For an overview of the steps of creating a connectable Web Part, see Walkthrough: Creating a Connectable SharePoint Web Part.
Public Overrides Sub PartCommunicationConnect( _
interfaceName As String, _
connectedPart As WebPart, _
connectedInterfaceName As String, _
runAt As ConnectionRunAt)
' Keep track of whether the Web Part is connected.
If interfaceName = "MyCellProviderInterface_WPQ_" Then
_connected = True
_connectedWebPartTitle = SPEncode.HtmlEncode(connectedPart.Title)
End If
End Sub
// Step #7: Override the PartCommunicationConnect() method.
// The PartCommunicationConnect method is called by the Web Part infrastructure to notify the Web Part that it
// is connected during the ASP.NET PreRender event. Relevant information is passed to the part such as
// the interface it is connected over, the Web Part it is being conected to, and where the part will be running,
// either client-side or server-side.
// <param name="interfaceName">Friendly name of the interface that is being connected</param>
// <param name="connectedPart">Reference to the other Web Part that is being connected to</param>
// <param name="connectedInterfaceName">Friendly name of the interface on the other Web Part</param>
// <param name="runAt">Where the interface should execute</param>
public override void PartCommunicationConnect(
string interfaceName,
WebPart connectedPart,
string connectedInterfaceName,
ConnectionRunAt runAt)
// Keep track of whether the Web Part is connected.
if (interfaceName == "MyCellProviderInterface_WPQ_")
_connected = true;
_connectedWebPartTitle = SPEncode.HtmlEncode(connectedPart.Title);