RowProviderInitEventArgs 类

请注意:此 API 现在已过时。

提供的字段名称和可选字段行供稿RowProviderInit事件发生时实现**[T][:Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication.IRowProvider]**接口的 Web 部件的显示名称。



命名空间:  Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication
程序集:  Microsoft.SharePoint(位于 Microsoft.SharePoint.dll 中)


<ObsoleteAttribute("Use System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.IWebPartRow instead")> _
Public NotInheritable Class RowProviderInitEventArgs _
    Inherits InitEventArgs
Dim instance As RowProviderInitEventArgs
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.IWebPartRow instead")]
public sealed class RowProviderInitEventArgs : InitEventArgs



      ' Step #7: Override the PartCommunicationInit() method.
      ' The PartCommunicationInit method is called by the Web Part infrastructure during the ASP.NET PreRender 
      ' event to allow the part to pass initialization information to the other connected parts.
      ' It is important to always pass initialization information. Some parts
      ' may not behave properly if this initialization information is not received.
      Public Overrides Sub PartCommunicationInit()
            ' Ensure that all of the Web Part's controls are created.

            ' Check if connected.
            If _connected Then
                ' Create the RowProviderInitEventArgs object for the RowProviderInit event.
                Dim rowProviderInitEventArgs As New RowProviderInitEventArgs()

                ' Set the row field names.
                rowProviderInitEventArgs.FieldList = _rowFieldNames

                ' Set the row field display names.
                rowProviderInitEventArgs.FieldDisplayList = _rowFieldDisplayNames

                ' Fire the RowProviderInit event.
                RaiseEvent RowProviderInit(Me, rowProviderInitEventArgs)
            End If
        End Sub
        // Step #7: Override the PartCommunicationInit() method.
        // The PartCommunicationInit method is called by the Web Part infrastructure during the ASP.NET PreRender 
        // event to allow the part to pass initialization information to the other connected parts.
        // It is important to always pass initialization information. Some parts
        // may not behave properly if this initialization information is not received.
        public override void PartCommunicationInit()
            // Ensure that all of the Web Part's controls are created.

            // Check if connected.
                // If there is a listener, fire the RowProviderInit event.
                if (RowProviderInit != null)
                    // Create the RowProviderInitEventArgs object for the RowProviderInit event.
                    RowProviderInitEventArgs rowProviderInitEventArgs = new RowProviderInitEventArgs();
                    // Set the row field names.
                    rowProviderInitEventArgs.FieldList = _rowFieldNames;

                    // Set the row field display names.
                    rowProviderInitEventArgs.FieldDisplayList = _rowFieldDisplayNames;

                    // Fire the RowProviderInit event.
                    RowProviderInit(this, rowProviderInitEventArgs);


该类型的任何公共 静态 (已共享 在 Visual Basic 中) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证任何实例成员都是线程安全的。



RowProviderInitEventArgs 成员

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication 命名空间