BaseFieldControl.CreateChildControls 方法

创建任何子控件呈现的字段,如 label 控件、 链接控件或文本框控件所需。

命名空间:  Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls
程序集:  Microsoft.SharePoint(位于 Microsoft.SharePoint.dll 中)


Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls

protected override void CreateChildControls()


CreateChildControls继承自Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0Control类和做到后一种类型的对象的大多数在呈现控件工作。但是, BaseFieldControl和其派生也是模板控件继承TemplateBasedControl: 对于这些控件中的大多数,位于C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\ControlTemplates .ascx 文件中定义的模板执行的许多呈现工作。通常CreateChildControls仅执行"最终波兰"上的控件,如设置子控件的 tab 键索引或指定控件,该样式的 CSS 文件,或者将插入在新建模式下的子控件的默认值。



您可能希望来验证用户输入新的或编辑 (列表项) 窗体上的字段的 UI 控件的数据。特别是,如果该字段需要具有一个值,应当实施此要求。( Required属性将记录该字段是否需要)。如果您使用从BaseFieldControl呈现字段的内置Windows SharePoint Services 3.0类之一,然后可以依赖于强制实施Required其内部验证。如果您从BaseFieldControl或其派生之一派生您自己的控件,并且重写CreateChildControls方法,您将需要提供Required以及您想要进行任何其他 UI 级的有效性规则的实施。根据您的字段类型和呈现控件的复杂性,您的用户界面验证逻辑可以Validate方法或CreateChildControls方法或二者的组合。但请记住,则不会调用如果验证逻辑完全在CreateChildControls ,并直接通过对象模型,而不是通过窗体, CreateChildControls域不在调用的 update 和数据有效性。


The following example shows a typical override of CreateChildControls. For the full example, see Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Field Type.

protected override void CreateChildControls()
    if (this.Field != null && this.ControlMode != SPControlMode.Display)
        // Make sure inherited child controls are completely rendered.

        // Associate child controls in the .ascx file with the 
        // fields allocated by this control.
        this.ISBNPrefix = (Label)TemplateContainer.FindControl("ISBNPrefix");
        this.textBox = (TextBox)TemplateContainer.FindControl("TextField");

        if (!this.Page.IsPostBack)
            if (this.ControlMode == SPControlMode.New)
                textBox.Text = "0-000-00000-0";

            } // end assign default value in New mode

        }// end if this is not a postback 

     //Do not reinitialize on a postback.

    }// end if there is a non-null underlying ISBNField and control mode is not Display

 // Do nothing if the ISBNField is null or control mode is Display.
Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
    If Me.Field IsNot Nothing AndAlso Me.ControlMode <> SPControlMode.Display Then
        ' Make sure inherited child controls are completely rendered.

        ' Associate child controls in the .ascx file with the 
        ' fields allocated by this control.
        Me.ISBNPrefix = CType(TemplateContainer.FindControl("ISBNPrefix"), Label)
        Me.textBox = CType(TemplateContainer.FindControl("TextField"), TextBox)

        If Not Me.Page.IsPostBack Then
            If Me.ControlMode = SPControlMode.New Then
                textBox.Text = "0-000-00000-0"

            End If ' end assign default value in New mode

        End If ' end if this is not a postback

     'Do not reinitialize on a postback.

    End If ' end if there is a non-null underlying ISBNField and control mode is not Display

 ' Do nothing if the ISBNField is null or control mode is Display.
End Sub



BaseFieldControl 类

BaseFieldControl 成员

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls 命名空间


Patterns of Custom Field Rendering

Custom Field Types

Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Field Type

Custom Field Data Validation