PeopleManager 成员

Provides methods for operations related to people.

PeopleManager 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 PeopleManager(ClientRuntimeContext) Initializes a new instance of the PeopleManager object.
公共方法 PeopleManager(ClientRuntimeContext, ObjectPath) 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。



  名称 说明
公共属性 Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 EditProfileLink Gets the URL of the edit profile page for the current user.
公共属性 IsMyPeopleListPublic Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current user's People I'm Following list is public.
受保护的属性 ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ObjectVersion Gets a string that indicates the version of the current client object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 Path Tracks how a client object is created in the ClientRuntimeContext class so that the object can be recreated on the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ServerObjectIsNull Gets the server object and returns null if the server object is null. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 Tag Gets or sets data that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 TypedObject Gets the object with the correct type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)



  名称 说明
公共方法 AmIFollowedBy Checks whether the specified user is following the current user.
公共方法 AmIFollowing Checks whether the current user is following the specified user.
受保护的方法 CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Follow Add the specified user to the current user's list of followed users.
公共方法 FollowTag Add the specified tag to the current user's list of followed tags.
公共方法 FromJson Indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetDefaultDocumentLibrary
公共方法 GetFollowedTags Gets tags that the user is following.
公共方法 GetFollowersFor Gets the people who are following the specified user.
公共方法 GetMyFollowers Get the people who are following the current user.
公共方法 GetMyProperties Gets user properties for the current user.
公共方法 GetMySuggestions Gets suggestions for who the current user might want to follow.
公共方法 GetPeopleFollowedBy Gets the people who the specified user is following.
公共方法 GetPeopleFollowedByMe Gets the people who the current user is following.
公共方法 GetPropertiesFor Gets user properties for the specified user.
公共方法静态成员 GetTrendingTags Gets the most popular tags.
公共方法 GetUserProfilePropertiesFor Gets the specified user profile properties for the specified user.
公共方法 GetUserProfilePropertyFor Gets the specified user profile property for the specified user.
公共方法 HideSuggestion Removes the specified user from the user's list of suggested people to follow.
受保护的方法 InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson Initializes a non-property field of the client object based on JavaScript 对象表示法 (JSON) data from the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 InitOnePropertyFromJson 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (覆盖 ClientObject.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader)。)
公共方法静态成员 IsFollowing Checks whether the first specified user is following the second specified user.
公共方法 IsObjectPropertyInstantiated Indicates whether the specified property of the client object is instantiated. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 IsPropertyAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified scalar property has been retrieved or set. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 LoadExpandoFields Initializes the extended properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 RefreshLoad Reloads all scalar properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 RemoveFromParentCollection Removes the current client object from the parent client object collection. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve() Retrieves all scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve([]) Retrieves the specified scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 SetMultiValuedProfileProperty
公共方法 SetMyProfilePicture Uploads and sets the user profile picture.
公共方法 SetSingleValueProfileProperty
公共方法 StopFollowing Remove the specified user from the current user's list of followed users.
公共方法 StopFollowingTag Remove the specified tag from the current user's list of followed tags.
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)
受保护的方法 UpdateClientObjectPropertyType Updates the client object property's value to have correct type by using the type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)




PeopleManager 类

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles 命名空间