GPS assistance in roadmapping an EPM deployment: white paper (Project Server 2007)
更新时间: 2009年7月
上一次修改主题: 2012-03-26
This white paper describes how to make an Enterprise Project Management deployment “roadmap” when you plan to implement EPM. It describes factors to consider when you plan your deployment path. It was written by Chris Vandersluis of HMS Software, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.
To download this white paper, click here.
The following white papers by Vandersluis are also available for download:
They say they want a resolution: white paper (Project Server 2007)
Enterprise system best practices: white paper (Project Server 2007)
Creating an EPM Deployment Plan: white paper (Project Server 2007)
EPM: Centralized or decentralized?: white paper (Project Server 2007)
The project management system maturity model: white paper (Project Server 2007)
The challenges of selecting enterprise software: white paper (Project Server 2007)
A phased approach to deploying enterprise project management: white paper (Project Server 2007)
For more information about Chris Vandersluis, see the "From the Trenches" column located on the Project Server 2007 TechCenter ( on Microsoft TechNet.