Resources Collection Object (Project)

Contains a collection of Resource objects.


Using the Resources Collection

Use Resources ( Index ), where Index is the resource index number or resource name, to return a single Resource object. The following example lists the names of all resources in the active project.

Dim R As Long, Names As String 


For R = 1 To ActiveProject.Resources.Count 

 Names = ActiveProject.Resources(R).Name & ", " & Names 

Next R 


Names = Left$(Names, Len(Names) - Len(ListSeparator & " ")) 

MsgBox Names

Using the Resources Collection

Use the Resources property to return a Resources collection. The following example generates the same list as the previous example, but does so by setting an object reference to ActiveProject.Resources , and then using R where ActiveProject.Resources is used.

Dim R As Resources, Temp As Long, Names As String 


Set R = ActiveProject.Resources 


For Temp = 1 To R.Count 

 Names = R(Temp).Name & ", " & Names 

Next Temp 


Names = Left$(Names, Len(Names) - Len(ListSeparator & " ")) 

MsgBox Names

Use the Add method to add a Resource object to the Resources collection. The following example adds a new resource named Matilda to the active project.

ActiveProject.Resources.Add "Matilda"

See Also


Project Object Model