RemoveAllTempVars Macro Action

You can use the RemoveAllTempVars action to remove any temporary variables that you created by using the SetTempVar action.


The RemoveAllTempVars action does not have any arguments.


  • You can have up to 255 temporary variables defined at one time. If you do not remove a temporary variable, it will remain in memory until you close the database or project. It is a good practice to remove temporary variables when you are finished using them.

  • Access automatically removes all temporary variables when you close the database or project.

  • To remove a single temporary variable, use the RemoveTempVar action and set its argument to the name of the temporary variable you want to remove.

  • To run the RemoveAllTempVars action in a VBA module, use the RemoveAll method of the TempVars object.


The following macro demonstrates how to create a temporary variable, use it in a condition and a message box, and then remove the temporary variable by using the RemoveAllTempVars action.





Name: MyVarExpression: InputBox("Enter a non-zero number.")



Message: ="You entered " & [TempVars]![MyVar] & "."Beep: YesType: Information
