PjDateLabel Enumeration
Project Developer Reference |
Constants specifying the display format for date and time labels in a timescale.
Name | Value | Description |
pjDay_ddd | 19 | Examples: Mon, Tue. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleDays. |
pjDay_ddd_dd | 105 | Examples: Mon 30, Tue 1 |
pjDay_ddd_m_dd | 112 | Examples: Mon S 30, Tue O 1 |
pjDay_ddd_mm_dd | 108 | Examples: Mon 9/30, Tue 10/1 |
pjDay_ddd_mm_dd_yy | 52 | Examples: Mon 9/30/02, Tue 10/1/02 |
pjDay_ddd_mmm_dd | 23 | Examples: Mon Sep 30, Tue Oct 1 |
pjDay_ddd_mmm_dd_yyy | 22 | Examples: Mon September 30 '02, Tue October 1 '02 |
pjDay_ddd_mmmm_dd | 111 | Examples: Mon September 30, Tue October 1 |
pjDay_dddd | 18 | Examples: Tuesday, Wednesday. |
pjDay_ddi | 119 | Examples: Mo, Tu |
pjDay_ddi_dd | 106 | Examples: Mo 30, Tu 1 |
pjDay_ddi_m_dd | 113 | Examples: Mo S 30, Tu O 1 |
pjDay_ddi_mm_dd | 109 | Examples: Mo 9/30, Tu 10/1 |
pjDay_di | 20 | Examples: M, T |
pjDay_di_dd | 107 | Examples: M 30, T 1 |
pjDay_di_m_dd | 114 | Examples: M S 30, T O 1 |
pjDay_di_mm_dd | 110 | Examples: M 9/30, T 10/1 |
pjDay_didd | 121 | Examples: M30, T1 |
pjDay_m_dd | 115 | Examples: S 30, O 1 |
pjDay_mm_dd | 27 | Examples: 9/30, 10/1 |
pjDay_mm_dd_yy | 26 | Examples: 9/30/02, 10/1/02 |
pjDay_mmm_dd | 25 | Examples: Sep 30, Oct 1 |
pjDay_mmm_dd_yyy | 24 | Examples: Sep 30 '02, Oct 10 '02 |
pjDayFromEnd_Day_dd | 41 | Examples: Day 2, Day 1, Day -1, Day -2 from the project end. |
pjDayFromEnd_dd | 54 | Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2 |
pjDayFromEnd_Ddd | 53 | Examples: D2, D1, D-1, D-2 |
pjDayFromStart_Day_dd | 40 | Examples: Day -2, Day -1, Day 1, Day 2 from the project start. |
pjDayFromStart_dd | 56 | Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2 |
pjDayFromStart_Ddd | 55 | Examples: D-2, D-1, D1, D2 |
pjDayOfMonth_dd | 21 | Examples: 30, 1 |
pjDayOfYear_dd | 118 | Examples: 77, 78 |
pjDayOfYear_dd_yyy | 116 | Examples: 77 '10, 78 '10 |
pjDayOfYear_dd_yyyy | 117 | Examples: 77 2010, 78 2010 |
pjHalfYear_h | 128 | Examples: 1, 2. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleHalfYears. |
pjHalfYear_Hh | 127 | Examples: H1, H2 |
pjHalfYear_Hh_yyy | 126 | Examples: H1 '10, H2 '10 |
pjHalfYear_hhh_Half | 123 | Examples: 1st Half, 2nd Half |
pjHalfYear_hHyy | 129 | Examples: 1H10, 2H10 |
pjHalfYear_Hlf_h | 125 | Examples: Half 1, Half 2 |
pjHalfYear_Hlf_h_yyyy | 124 | Examples: Half 1, 2010; Half 2, 2010 |
pjHalfYearFromEnd_h | 135 | Examples: |
pjHalfYearFromEnd_Half_h | 133 | Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2. Half years from the project end date. |
pjHalfYearFromEnd_Hh | 134 | Examples: Half 2, Half 1, Half -1, Half -2 |
pjHalfYearFromStart_h | 132 | Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2. Half years from the project start date. |
pjHalfYearFromStart_Half_h | 130 | Examples: Half -2, Half -1, Half 1, Half 2 |
pjHalfYearFromStart_Hh | 131 | Examples: H-2, H-1, H1, H2 |
pjHour_ddd_mmm_dd_hhAM | 28 | Examples: Wed Mar 18, 8 AM; Wed Mar 18, 9 AM. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleHours. |
pjHour_hh | 32 | Examples: 8, 9, 10, 11 |
pjHour_hh_mmAM | 30 | Examples: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM |
pjHour_hhAM | 31 | Examples: 8AM, 9AM |
pjHour_mm_dd_hhAM | 120 | Examples: 3/18 8 AM, 3/18 9 AM |
pjHour_mmm_dd_hhAM | 29 | Examples: Mar 18, 8 AM; Mar 18, 9 AM |
pjHourFromEnd_hh | 77 | Examples: 3, 2, 1, -1, -2 hours from the project end. |
pjHourFromEnd_Hhh | 76 | Examples: H3, H2, H1, H-1, H-2 |
pjHourFromEnd_Hour_hh | 39 | Examples: Hour 3, Hour 2, Hour 1, Hour -1, Hour -2 |
pjHourFromStart_hh | 79 | Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2, 3 hours from the project start. |
pjHourFromStart_Hhh | 78 | Examples: H-2, H-1, H1, H2, H3 |
pjHourFromStart_Hour_hh | 38 | Examples: Hour -2, Hour -1, Hour 1, Hour 2, Hour 3 |
pjMinute_hh_mmAM | 33 | Examples: 8:00 AM, 8:01 AM, 8:02 AM. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleMinutes. |
pjMinute_mm | 34 | Examples: 0, 1, 2, ..., 59 minutes |
pjMinuteFromEnd_Minute_mm | 37 | Examples: Minute 181, Minute 180, ..., Minute 1, Minute -1 from the project end. |
pjMinuteFromEnd_mm | 81 | Examples: 181, 180, ..., 1, -1 |
pjMinuteFromEnd_Mmm | 80 | Examples: M181, M180, ..., M1, M-1 |
pjMinuteFromStart_Minute_mm | 36 | Examples: Minute -2, Minute -1, Minute 1, ... Minute 180 from the project start. |
pjMinuteFromStart_mm | 83 | Examples: -2, -1, 1, ..., 180 |
pjMinuteFromStart_Mmm | 82 | Examples: M-2, M-1, M1, ..., M180 |
pjMonth_m | 11 | Examples: M, A, M, J, J. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleMonths. |
pjMonth_mm | 57 | Examples: 11, 12, 1, 2 |
pjMonth_mm_yy | 86 | Examples: 3/10, 4/10, 5/10 |
pjMonth_mm_yyy | 85 | Examples: 3 '10, 4 '10, 5 '10 |
pjMonth_mmm | 10 | Examples: Mar, Apr, May |
pjMonth_mmm_yyy | 8 | Examples: Mar '10, Apr '10, May '10 |
pjMonth_mmmm | 9 | Examples: March, April, May |
pjMonth_mmmm_yyyy | 7 | Examples: March 2010, April 2010, May 2010 |
pjMonthFromEnd_mm | 59 | Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2 months from the project end. |
pjMonthFromEnd_Mmm | 58 | Examples: M2, M1, M-1, M-2 |
pjMonthFromEnd_Month_mm | 45 | Examples: Month 2, Month 1, Month -1, Month -2 |
pjMonthFromStart_mm | 61 | Examples: -2, -2, 1, 2 months from the project start. |
pjMonthFromStart_Mmm | 60 | Examples: M-2, M-1, M1, M2 |
pjMonthFromStart_Month_mm | 44 | Examples: Month -2, Month -1, Month 1, Month 2 |
pjQuarter_q | 62 | Examples: 3, 4, 1. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleQuarters. |
pjQuarter_Qq | 6 | Examples: Q3, Q4, Q1 |
pjQuarter_Qq_yyy | 4 | Examples: Q3 '10, Q4 '10, Q1 '11 |
pjQuarter_qqq_Quarter | 2 | Examples: 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, 1st Quarter |
pjQuarter_qQyy | 51 | Examples: 3Q10, 4Q10, 1Q11 |
pjQuarter_Qtr_q | 5 | Examples: Qtr 3, Qtr 4, Qtr1 |
pjQuarter_Qtr_q_yyyy | 3 | Examples: Qtr3, 2010; Qtr4, 2010; Qtr1, 2011 |
pjQuarterFromEnd_q | 64 | Examples: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1 quarters from the project end. |
pjQuarterFromEnd_Qq | 63 | Examples: Q5, Q4, Q3, Q2, Q1, Q-1 |
pjQuarterFromEnd_Quarter_q | 47 | Examples: Quarter 5, Quarter 4, Quarter 3, Quarter 2, Quarter 1, Quarter -1 |
pjQuarterFromStart_q | 66 | Examples: -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1 quarters from the project start. |
pjQuarterFromStart_Qq | 65 | Examples: Q-5, Q-4, Q-3, Q-2, Q-1, Q1 |
pjQuarterFromStart_Quarter_q | 46 | Examples: Quarter -5, Quarter -4, Quarter -3, Quarter -2, Quarter -1, Quarter 1 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_dd | 136 | Examples: 1, 11, 21, 1. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleThirdsOfMonths. |
pjThirdsOfMonths_ddd | 137 | Examples: B, M, E, B |
pjThirdsOfMonths_dddd | 138 | Examples: Beginning, Middle, End, Beginning |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_dd | 139 | Examples: 3/1, 3/11, 3/21, 4/1 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_dd_yy | 145 | Examples: 3/1/10, 3/11/10, 3/21/10, 4/1/10 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_ddd | 140 | Examples: 3/B, 3/M, 3/E, 4/B |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_ddd_yy | 146 | Examples: 3/B/10, 3/M/10, 3/E/10, 4/B/10 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_dd | 142 | Examples: Mar 1, Mar 11, Mar 21, Apr 1 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_dd_yy | 147 | Examples: Mar 1, '10; Mar 11, '10; Mar 21, '10; Apr 1, 10 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_ddd | 143 | Examples: Mar B, Mar M, Mar E, Apr B |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_ddd_yy | 148 | Examples: Mar B, '10; Mar M, '10; Mar E, '10; Apr B '10 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dd | 144 | Examples: March 1, March 11, March 21, April 1 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dd_yyyy | 149 | Examples: March 1, 2010; March 11, 2010; March 21, 2010; April 1, 2010 |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dddd | 141 | Examples: March Beginning, March Middle, March End, April Beginning |
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dddd_yyyy | 150 | Examples: March Beginning, 2010; March Middle, 2010; March End, 2010; April Beginning, 2010 |
pjWeek_ddd_dd | 88 | Examples: Sun 21, Sun 28, Sun 4. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleWeeks. |
pjWeek_ddd_m_dd | 97 | Examples: Sun M 21, Sun M 28, Sun A 4 |
pjWeek_ddd_mm_dd | 90 | Examples: Sun 3/21, Sun 3/28, Sun 4/4 |
pjWeek_ddd_mm_dd_yy | 100 | Examples: Sun 3/21/10, Sun 3/28/10, Sun 4/4/10 |
pjWeek_ddd_mmm_dd | 93 | Examples: Sun Mar 21, Sun Mar 28, Sun Apr 4 |
pjWeek_ddd_mmm_dd_yyy | 101 | Examples: Sun Mar 21, '10; Sun Mar 28, '10; Sun Apr 4, '10 |
pjWeek_ddd_mmmm_dd | 96 | Examples: Sun Mar 21, Sun March 28, Sun Apr 4 |
pjWeek_ddd_mmmm_dd_yyy | 102 | Examples: Sun Mar 21, '10; Sun March 28, '10; Sun Apr 4, '10 |
pjWeek_ddd_ww | 103 | Examples: Sun 12, Sun 13, Sun 14 |
pjWeek_ddi_m_dd | 98 | Examples: Sun M 21, Sun M 28, Sun A 4 |
pjWeek_ddi_mm_dd | 91 | Examples: Su 3/21. Su 3/28, Su 4/4 |
pjWeek_ddi_mmm_dd | 94 | Examples: Su Mar 21, Su Mar 28, Su Apr 4 |
pjWeek_di_m_dd | 99 | Examples: S M 21, S M 28, S A 4 |
pjWeek_di_mm_dd | 92 | Examples: S 3/21, S 3/28, S 4/4 |
pjWeek_di_mmm_dd | 95 | Examples: S Mar 21, S Mar 28, S Apr 4 |
pjWeek_m_dd | 89 | Examples: M21, M28, A 4 |
pjWeek_mm_dd | 17 | Examples: 3/21, 3/28, 4/4 |
pjWeek_mm_dd_yy | 16 | Examples: 3/21/10. 3/28/10, 4/4/10 |
pjWeek_mmm_dd | 15 | Examples: Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4 |
pjWeek_mmm_dd_yyy | 13 | Examples: Mar 21, '10; Mar 28, '10; Apr 4, '10 |
pjWeek_mmmm_dd | 14 | Examples: March 21, March 28, April 4 |
pjWeek_mmmm_dd_yyyy | 12 | Examples: March 21, 2010; March 28, 2010; April 4, 2010 |
pjWeekDayOfMonth_dd | 87 | Examples: 21, 28, 4 |
pjWeekFromEnd_Week_ww | 43 | Examples: Week 2, Week 1, Week -1 from the project end. |
pjWeekFromEnd_ww | 68 | Examples: 2, 1, -1 |
pjWeekFromEnd_Www | 67 | Examples: W2, W1, W-1 |
pjWeekFromStart_Week_ww | 42 | Examples: Week -1, Week 1, Week 2 from the project start. |
pjWeekFromStart_ww | 70 | Examples: -1, 1, 2 |
pjWeekFromStart_Www | 69 | Examples: W-1, W1, W2 |
pjWeekNumber_dd_ww | 104 | Examples: 1 12, 1 13, 1 14 (day 1 of week 12, day 1 of week 13, and so forth) |
pjWeekNumber_ww | 50 | Examples: 12, 13, 14 |
pjYear_yy | 75 | Examples: 10, 11, 12. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleYears. |
pjYear_yyy | 1 | Examples: '10, '11, '12 |
pjYear_yyyy | 0 | Examples: 2010, 2011, 2012 |
pjYearFromEnd_Year_yy | 49 | Examples: Year 2, Year 1, Year -1 from the project end. |
pjYearFromEnd_yy | 72 | Examples: 2, 1, -1 |
pjYearFromEnd_Yyy | 71 | Examples: Y2, Y1, Y-1 |
pjYearFromStart_Year_yy | 48 | Examples: Year -1, Year 1, Year 2 from the project start. |
pjYearFromStart_yy | 74 | Examples: -1, 1, 2 |
pjYearFromStart_Yyy | 73 | Examples: Y-1, Y1, Y2 |
The TimescaleEdit method can use the PjDateLabel enumeration in the
, and
parameters, if the time unit of the specified timescale tier is compatible with the time range of the label. For example, if the time unit of the bottom tier is hours, the parameter value MinorLabel:=PjDateLabel.pjHour_hhAM
is valid. However, the parameter value MinorLabel:=PjDateLabel.pjHalfYear_hhh_Half
results in a run time error of 1101: "The argument value is not valid."
Members in the following enumerations can be used in place of related members in PjDateLabel, because they have the same values.