PjCopyPictureScaleOption Enumeration
Project Developer Reference |
Constant specifying how to treat a picture of the active view if it is larger than MaxImageWidth by MaxImageHeight.
Name | Value | Description |
pjCopyPictureKeepRange | 1 | Maintains the selection, regardless of size. If the picture exceeds the amount of available memory, it is cropped to the maximum available size. |
pjCopyPictureScale | 2 | Scales the picture to MaxImageWidth by MaxImageHeight MeasurementUnits without maintaining the aspect ratio. |
pjCopyPictureScaleWRatio | 3 | Scales the picture to MaxImageWidth by MaxImageHeight MeasurementUnits and maintains the aspect ratio. |
pjCopyPictureShowOptions | 0 | Displays the Copy Picture Options dialog box. |
pjCopyPictureTimescale | 4 | Adjusts the timescale (zooms out) so that the picture fits MaxImageWidth by MaxImageHeight MeasurementUnits. |
pjCopyPictureTruncate | 5 | Truncates any portion of the picture that exceeds the boundaries of MaxImageWidth by MaxImageHeight MeasurementUnits. |