Range.ConvertHangulAndHanja Method
Word Developer Reference |
Converts the specified range from hangul to hanja or vice versa.
expression.ConvertHangulAndHanja(ConversionsMode, FastConversion, CheckHangulEnding, EnableRecentOrdering, CustomDictionary)
expression Required. A variable that represents a Range object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data Type | Description |
ConversionsMode | Optional | Variant | Sets the direction for the conversion between hangul and hanja. Can be either of the following WdMultipleWordConversionsMode constants: wdHangulToHanja or wdHanjaToHangul. The default value is the current value of the MultipleWordConversionsMode property. |
FastConversion | Optional | Variant | True if Microsoft Word automatically converts a word with only one suggestion for conversion. The default value is the current value of the HangulHanjaFastConversion property. |
CheckHangulEnding | Optional | Variant | True if Word automatically detects hangul endings and ignores them. The default value is the current value of the CheckHangulEndings property. This argument is ignored if the ConversionsMode argument is set to wdHanjaToHangul. |
EnableRecentOrdering | Optional | Variant | True if Word displays the most recently used words at the top of the suggestions list. The default value is the current value of the EnableHangulHanjaRecentOrdering property. |
CustomDictionary | Optional | Variant | The name of a custom hangul-hanja conversion dictionary. Use this argument to use a custom dictionary with hangul-hanja conversions not contained in the main dictionary. |
This example converts the current selection from hangul to hanja.
Visual Basic for Applications |
See Also