Application.OptionsSchedule Method
Project Developer Reference |
Sets scheduling options.
expression.OptionsSchedule(ScheduleMessages, StartOnCurrentDate, AutoLink, AutoSplit, CriticalSlack, TaskType, DurationUnits, WorkUnits, AutoTrack, SetDefaults, AssignmentUnits, EffortDriven, HonorConstraints, ShowEstimated, NewTasksEstimated)
expression A variable that represents an Application object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data Type | Description |
ScheduleMessages | Optional | Variant | Boolean. True if messages display when scheduling problems occur. |
StartOnCurrentDate | Optional | Boolean | True if new tasks start on the current date. False if new tasks start on the project start date (projects scheduled from the start date) or on the project finish date (projects scheduled from the finish date). |
AutoLink | Optional | Boolean | True if tasks are automatically linked. |
AutoSplit | Optional | Boolean | True if tasks in progress are automatically split. |
CriticalSlack | Optional | Variant | The maximum amount of slack allowed for critical tasks. |
TaskType | Optional | Long | The default type for new tasks. Can be one of the PjTaskFixedType constants. |
DurationUnits | Optional | Long | The default duration unit for tasks. Can be one of the following PjUnit constants. |
WorkUnits | Optional | Long | The default work unit for resource assignments. Can be one of the PjUnit constants. |
AutoTrack | Optional | Boolean | True if task tracking fields automatically update resource assignments. |
SetDefaults | Optional | Boolean | True if the values specified for all arguments except ScheduleMessages and AssignmentUnits become the defaults for new project files. |
AssignmentUnits | Optional | Long | Specifies how assignment units should display. Can be one of the PjAssignmentUnit constants. |
EffortDriven | Optional | Boolean | True if new tasks are effort-driven. |
HonorConstraints | Optional | Boolean | True if tasks honor their constraint dates. |
ShowEstimated | Optional | Boolean | True if task durations in new projects are displayed with the estimated character. |
NewTasksEstimated | Optional | Boolean | True if new tasks in the active project have estimated durations. |
Return Value
If an argument is omitted, its default value is specified by the current setting on the Schedule tab of the Options dialog box.
Using the OptionsSchedule method without specifying any arguments displays the Options dialog box with the Schedule tab selected.
The following example enables messages to be displayed when scheduling problems occur, schedules new tasks to start on the current date, and sets the default duration unit for tasks to a week.
Visual Basic for Applications |
See Also