Application.OptionsCalculation Method
Project Developer Reference |
Sets calculation options.
expression.OptionsCalculation(Automatic, AutoTrack, SpreadPercentToStatusDate, SpreadCostsToStatusDate, AutoCalcCosts, FixedCostAccrual, CalcMultipleCriticalPaths, CriticalSlack, SetDefaults, CalcInsProjLikeSummTask, MoveCompleted, AndMoveRemaining, MoveRemaining, AndMoveCompleted, EVMethod, EVBaseline)
expression A variable that represents an Application object.
Name | Required/Optional | Data Type | Description |
Automatic | Optional | Boolean | True if the calculation mode is automatic. |
AutoTrack | Optional | Boolean | True if task tracking fields automatically update resource assignments. |
SpreadPercentToStatusDate | Optional | Boolean | True if edits to total task percent complete are spread to the status date. |
SpreadCostsToStatusDate | Optional | Boolean | True if edits to total actual cost are spread to the status date. The SpreadCostsToStatusDate argument is ignored if AutoCalcCosts is True. |
AutoCalcCosts | Optional | Boolean | True if actual costs are always calculated by Project. |
FixedCostAccrual | Optional | Long | The default method used to accrue fixed costs. Can be one of the following PjAccrueAt constants: pjStart, pjEnd, or pjProrated. |
CalcMultipleCriticalPaths | Optional | Boolean | True if Project calculates multiple critical paths for the project. |
CriticalSlack | Optional | Integer | The maximum amount of slack allowed for critical tasks. |
SetDefaults | Optional | Boolean | True if the values specified for all arguments except Automatic become the default for new projects. |
CalcInsProjLikeSummTask | Optional | Boolean | True if subprojects in a master project behave like normal summary tasks. False if subprojects are calculated on their own. The default value is False. |
MoveCompleted | Optional | Boolean | True if Project moves the end of completed parts after the status date back to the status date. |
AndMoveRemaining | Optional | Boolean | True if Project moves the start of remaining parts back to the status date. |
MoveRemaining | Optional | Boolean | True if Project moves the start of remaining parts before the status date forward to the status date. |
AndMoveCompleted | Optional | Boolean | True if Project moves the end of completed parts forward to the status date. |
EVMethod | Optional | Long | The default method for calculating earned value. Can be one of the following PJEarnedValueMethod constants: pjPercentComplete or pjPhysicalPercentComplete. |
EVBaseline | Optional | Long | The baseline to use when calculating earned value. Can be one of the following PjBaselines constants: pjBaseline, pjBaseline1, pjBaseline2, pjBaseline3, pjBaseline4, pjBaseline5, pjBaseline6, pjBaseline7, pjBaseline8, pjBaseline9, or pjBaseline10. |
Return Value
If an argument is omitted, its default value is specified by the current setting on the Calculation tab of the Options dialog box.
Using the OptionsCalculation method without specifying any arguments displays the Options dialog box with the Calculation tab selected.
See Also