LookupTableEntry.FullName Property

Project Developer Reference

Returns the full name for the specified level and parent levels of the LookupTableEntry for the outline code, complete with the separator string between the levels. Read-only String.



expression   A variable that represents a LookupTableEntry object.

Return Value


The CreateLocationOutlineCode macro example sets three LookupTableEntry levels for a custom task outline code named Location. After the CreateLocationOutlineCode macro is executed, entering the following line in the Immediate window of the Visual Basic Editor in Microsoft Office Project 2007 returns the result shown.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Print ActiveProject.OutlineCodes.Item(1).LookupTable.Item(4).FullName

Following is the CreateLocationOutlineCode macro.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CreateLocationOutlineCode()
Dim objOutlineCode As OutlineCode
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Set objOutlineCode = ActiveProject.OutlineCodes.Add( _
    pjCustomTaskOutlineCode1, "Location")

objOutlineCode.OnlyLookUpTableCodes = True

DefineLocationCodeMask objOutlineCode.CodeMask
EditLocationLookupTable objOutlineCode.LookupTable

ErrorHandler: MsgBox "CreateLocationOutlineCode(): Error Number: " & Err.Number & _ vbCrLf & " Error Description: " & Err.Description End Sub

Sub DefineLocationCodeMask(objCodeMask As CodeMask) objCodeMask.Add _ Sequence:=pjCustomOutlineCodeUppercaseLetters, _ Length:=2, Separator:="."

objCodeMask.Add _ Sequence:=pjCustomOutlineCodeUppercaseLetters, _ Separator:="."

objCodeMask.Add _ Sequence:=pjCustomOutlineCodeUppercaseLetters, _ Length:=3, Separator:="." End Sub

Sub EditLocationLookupTable(objLookupTable As LookupTable) Dim objStateEntry As LookupTableEntry Dim objCountyEntry As LookupTableEntry Dim objCityEntry As LookupTableEntry

Set objStateEntry = objLookupTable.AddChild("WA")
objStateEntry.Description = "Washington"

Set objCountyEntry = objLookupTable.AddChild("KING", _
objCountyEntry.Description = "King County"

Set objCityEntry = objLookupTable.AddChild("SEA", _
objCityEntry.Description = "Seattle"

Set objCityEntry = objLookupTable.AddChild("RED", _
objCityEntry.Description = "Redmond"

Set objCityEntry = objLookupTable.AddChild("KIR", _
objCityEntry.Description = "Kirkland"

End Sub

See Also