True if an assignment is overallocated. Read-only Boolean.
expression A variable that represents an Assignment object.
Return Value
The following example displays the percentage of resources in the active project that are overallocated.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub DisplayOverallocatedPercentage()
Dim R As Resource ' Resource object used in For Each loop
Dim NOverallocated As Long ' Number of overallocated resources
For Each R In ActiveProject.Resources
If R.<strong class="bterm">Overallocated</strong> Then NOverallocated = NOverallocated + 1
Next R
MsgBox (Str$((NOverallocated / ActiveProject.Resources.Count) * 100) _
& " percent (" & Str$(NOverallocated) & "/" & Str$(ActiveProject.Resources.Count) _
& ")" & " of the resources in this project are overallocated.")