LetterContent.LetterheadSize Property

Word Developer Reference

Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to be reserved for a preprinted letterhead in a letter created by the Letter Wizard. Read/write Single.



expression   An expression that returns a LetterContent object.


This example retrieves the Letter Wizard elements from the active document, changes the preprinted letterhead settings, and then uses the SetLetterContent method to update the active document to reflect the changes.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Set myLetterContent = ActiveDocument.GetLetterContent
With myLetterContent
    .Letterhead = True
    .LetterheadLocation = wdLetterTop
    .LetterheadSize = InchesToPoints(1.5)
End With
ActiveDocument.SetLetterContent LetterContent:=myLetterContent

See Also