Returns or sets the actual finish date of an assignment or task. Read-only for summary tasks. Read/write Variant.
expression A variable that represents a Task object.
Return Value
The following example prompts the user to set the actual finish dates of tasks in the active project.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub SetActualFinishForTasks()
Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim Entry As String ' User's entry
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
' Loop until user enters a date or clicks Cancel.
Do While 1
Entry = InputBox$("Enter the actual finish date for " & _
T.Name & ":")
If IsDate(Entry) Or Entry = Empty Then
Exit Do
MsgBox ("You didn't enter a date; try again.")
End If
'If user didn't click Cancel, set the task's actual finish date.
If Entry <> Empty Then
T.<strong class="bterm">ActualFinish</strong> = Entry
End If
Next T