PjIndicator Enumeration
Project Developer Reference |
Constant specifying a graphical indicator.
Name | Value | Description |
pjIndicatorArrowDouble | 42 | The indicator is a double arrow. |
pjIndicatorArrowDown | 44 | The indicator is a down arrow. |
pjIndicatorArrowLeft | 40 | The indicator is a left arrow. |
pjIndicatorArrowRight | 41 | The indicator is a right arrow. |
pjIndicatorArrowUp | 43 | The indicator is an up arrow. |
pjIndicatorCheckMark | 54 | The indicator is a checkmark. |
pjIndicatorCircleBottomFill | 46 | The indicator is a circle with the lower half filled. |
pjIndicatorCircleHollow | 51 | The indicator is a hollow circle. |
pjIndicatorCircleLeftFill | 47 | The indicator is a circle with the left side filled. |
pjIndicatorCircleRightFill | 49 | The indicator is a circle with the right side filled. |
pjIndicatorCircleRoundFill | 50 | The indicator is a filled circle. |
pjIndicatorCircleSolidFill | 45 | The indicator is a solid circle. |
pjIndicatorCircleTopFill | 48 | The indicator is a circle with the upper half filled. |
pjIndicatorClock | 57 | The indicator is a clock. |
pjIndicatorDashGray | 65 | The indicator is a gray dash. |
pjIndicatorDeleteMark | 55 | The indicator is a delete mark. |
pjIndicatorDiamondLime | 37 | The indicator is a lime-colored diamond. |
pjIndicatorDiamondRed | 39 | The indicator is a red-colored diamond. |
pjIndicatorDiamondYellow | 38 | The indicator is a yellow-colored diamond. |
pjIndicatorFaceHappyLime | 60 | The indicator is a lime-colored happy face. |
pjIndicatorFaceHappyYellow | 59 | The indicator is a yellow-colored happy face. |
pjIndicatorFaceSadRed | 64 | The indicator is a red-colored sad face. |
pjIndicatorFaceSadYellow | 63 | The indicator is a yellow-colored sad face. |
pjIndicatorFaceStraightAqua | 62 | The indicator is a aqua-colored straight face. |
pjIndicatorFaceStraightYellow | 61 | The indicator is a yellow-colored straight face. |
pjIndicatorFlagAqua | 18 | The indicator is an aqua flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagBlue | 19 | The indicator is a blue flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagFuschia | 20 | The indicator is a fuschia flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagLime | 14 | The indicator is a lime flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagRed | 16 | The indicator is a red flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagSilver | 21 | The indicator is a silver flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagWhite | 17 | The indicator is white flag. |
pjIndicatorFlagYellow | 15 | The indicator is yellow flag. |
pjIndicatorLightBulbOff | 52 | The indicator is an unlit light bulb. |
pjIndicatorLightBulbOn | 53 | The indicator is a lit light bulb. |
pjIndicatorMinusBlack | 35 | The indicator is a black minus sign. |
pjIndicatorMinusLime | 32 | The indicator is a lime-colored minus sign. |
pjIndicatorMinusRed | 34 | The indicator is a red minus sign. |
pjIndicatorMinusWhite | 36 | The indicator is a white minus sign. |
pjIndicatorMinusYellow | 33 | The indicator is a yellow minus sign. |
pjIndicatorNone | 0 | No indicator. |
pjIndicatorPlusBlack | 30 | The indicator is a black plus sign. |
pjIndicatorPlusLime | 27 | The indicator is a lime plus sign. |
pjIndicatorPlusRed | 29 | The indicator isa red plus sign. |
pjIndicatorPlusWhite | 31 | The indicator is a white plus sign. |
pjIndicatorPlusYellow | 28 | The indicator is a yellow plus sign. |
pjIndicatorPushPin | 58 | The indicator is a pushpin. |
pjIndicatorQuestionMark | 56 | The indicator is a question mark. |
pjIndicatorSphereAqua | 6 | The indicator is an aqua sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereBlack | 4 | The indicator is a black sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereBlue | 8 | The indicator is a blue sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereFuschia | 9 | The indicator is a fuschia sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereGray | 12 | The indicator is a gray sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereGreen | 7 | The indicator is a green sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereLime | 1 | The indicator is a lime sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereMaroon | 11 | The indicator is a maroon sphere. |
pjIndicatorSpherePurple | 10 | The indicator is a purple sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereRed | 3 | The indicator is a red sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereSilver | 13 | The indicator is a silver sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereWhite | 5 | The indicator is a white sphere. |
pjIndicatorSphereYellow | 2 | The indicator is a yellow sphere. |
pjIndicatorSquareBlack | 25 | The indicator is a black square. |
pjIndicatorSquareLime | 22 | The indicator is a lime square. |
pjIndicatorSquareRed | 24 | The indicator is a red square. |
pjIndicatorSquareWhite | 26 | The indicator is a white square. |
pjIndicatorSquareYellow | 23 | The indicator is a yellow square. |